“His heart was moved with pity for them because they were troubled and abandoned.” Mt. 9:36. This happened while Jesus was making his way through many towns and villages. He saw people with no direction, no plans for life, and no one to show them a better way.
Ever feel that way? With a little wisdom and age there comes a way of seeing life that eluded us when we were younger. All the bright and shiny things we thought would bring us happiness, all the places “we just had to be”, the things we just had to experience . . . we see them now for what they were – – – passing fashion, temporary amusement.
Fun and fashion are perfectly acceptable if we see them in their proper perspective. But they are NOT the meaning we all hunger for. They are NOT the key that unlocks a world of happiness and fulfillment.
Seeing this was the cause of Jesus’s sorrow. He saw people placing their hopes in things that disappoint and there being no one to show them a better way (sheep without a shepherd). So, “moved with pity”, Jesus instructs us to pray that God will send workers into the vineyard. “The harvest is rich but laborers are few, so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for the harvest .”
Most times this prayer was seen as asking God for more priests and sisters (professional religious). Everyday people saw themselves as part of the harvest. We waited for the priest to “come and get us”.
That thinking greatly limits the power of Christ’s message. St. Paul says it clearly we are ALL “Ambassadors of Christ . . . entrusting to us the message of reconciliation, as if God were appealing through us.” 2 Cor. 5:20.
YOU are a laborer in the Lord’s Vineyard!
- Parents. It is your duty and privilege to shepherd your children. You show them what brings goodness. You train them to avoid darkness and evil. You are a beacon of Faith in Jesus Christ and His Kingdom to come.
- Grandparents. You are that “safe place” for children when their parents have temporarily lost their voice or their patience. You are Christ’s voice for them.
- Teenagers. Your gift of Faith gives you the eyes to see the world in a deeper way than many of your classmates. Help them discover that Faith in God opens our eyes to see “God’s way” and seeing life like that we have Hope. When it’s appropriate, tell your friends, “I’ll say a prayer for you.”
- Employees. Bring your Faith to work by how you treat coworkers, how you protect the work environment, (keep from gossip, honesty with superiors, diligence and patience with others). Keep a little crucifix or holy picture on the desk if you’re allowed.
- Young adults. Don’t be afraid to express your belief in God and in God’s way, even when it’s unpopular. Be ready to explain WHY you believe.
- Tell people in your own words what feeds your spirit, what gives you strength and hope. They’re looking for what you’ve found. God will give you the words to speak about your Faith.
God is full of surprises. Conversations and encounters you never dreamed could happen can occur at the oddest times. Be open to God using you. Be yourself.
Beautiful Summer days we’re having.
Fr. Tim