YOU AND GOD: 20 Questions

. . . Just some questions to take to the bathroom sometime. OR . . . . to prayer.

  1. Can you remember a time as a child (@6-12yrs.) that God seemed close to you? Try to remember where you were and how you felt.
  2. When I was 10 years old I thought God was like . . .
  3. It’s different now that I am older, God seems like . . .
  4. Things that help me believe in God are . . .
  5. Things that make it hard to believe in God are . . .
  6. Praying is essential to growing in Faith. How do you pray? When do you pray?
  7. Finish this sentence: “Faith is . . . “
  8. How do you know when your love for someone is really real?
  9. Have you ever told someone you believe in God?
  10. Have you ever hid the fact that you believe in God?
  11. Have you ever done something that cost you time and frustration (and gave you nothing in return) solely because it was the right thing to do?
  12. Has anything “bad” happened to you that later turned out to be a “blessing”?
  13. What is a “blessing”?
  14. What do you think children need to know to be come their best selves?
  15. Is there anything that brings a tear to your eye? What?
  16. Do you think God can bring good things out of the current bickering in Washington, almost monthly acts of senseless violence, natural disasters around the world?
  17. Jesus tells us, to be his disciples we must take up our cross daily. What cross (suffering) do you carry every day for Him?
  18. “Life is __________ than I thought it would be.” (What “er” word would you use to reflect your thought? . . . . Harder, happier, duller, fuller, emptier, better, scarier, funnier, heavier, etc.)
  19. Looking back, do you wish you could change any thing?
  20. Looking forward, do you wish to change anything?

. . . Just some questions to take to the bathroom sometime. OR . . . . to prayer.

God’s going to get you. But, you’ve got to let Him.

Fr. Tim
