The Blessed Virgin Mary

My dear family of Holy Trinity Church.

As I said to you in my last weekend bulletin, October is the month of the Rosary. Our mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary is very special for all of us because Jesus gave her to us when he was on the Cross, “When Jesus saw His mother and the disciple there whom He loved, He said to His mother, “Woman, behold, your son.” Then He said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his home” (John 19:26-27). We pray the rosary because we believe that Mary, our mother, always is showing us Jesus and, at the same time, she is leading us to Jesus.

Our Lady of Rosary is not the only advocation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There are more than 30,000 Marian advocations of Mary. Some of them are: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Good Counsel, Our Lady of Rosary, Our Lady of las Lajas, Our Lady of Coromoto, Our Lady of Chinquiquirá, Our Lady of the Snow, Our Lady of the Milk, Our Lady Queen of Peace, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and so on. Depending on the place of the apparition of our mother, she receives a different name. One of these places is Medjugorje. Probably, some of you have heard this place before, and even some of you have been there.

On September 19, 2024, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith issued “The Queen of Peace,” a note about the spiritual experience connected with Medjugorje. According to Bishop Matano, “The Dicastery, with the approval of our Holy Father, Pope Francis, grants approval for devotion linked to Medjugorje, but at the same time withheld making any declaration on the supernatural character of the Marian apparitions.” That means that having a pilgrimage, a spiritual experience in Medjugorje is an act of devotion which will help us in our relationship with the Lord by the hand of our mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. I am always available to explain what the Church says about Medjugorje in case that you have questions.

Some of you know that I will go to Medjugorje this coming May 2025. I am very excited for this wonderful opportunity to travel and have a closer relationship with the Lord in this place. Some of you will go with me! I hope we have a delightful pilgrimage. If you are also interested to join me in this fantastic adventure, you can contact me to know more about it. Moreover, in the parish boards you can find information about this pilgrimage.

The Blessed Virgin Mary helps us always to be closer to the Lord. Regardless of what is your favorite advocation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, through her intercession, let us always worship the Lord. Our Lord Jesus Christ gave His mother to be with us, so let us love and honor her always.

Remember, The parish that we dream is the parish that I help to build.

God bless you, and may the Blessed Virgin Mary be with you always!

Fr. Jorge Ramirez

Pilgrimage to Medjugorje

May 22-31, 2025

with spiritual leaders:
Fr. Jorge Ramirez & Dcn. Leo Flynn

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