Summer starts this Tuesday. At least that’s what the calendar says; I’ve been in summer mode for a couple weeks. How about you?
I thought it might interest you what summer at Holy Trinity will look like. What things need fixing, changing, finishing, etc. On a personal note, to let you know what tentative plans I have for the next couple months.
- The church. We all can see the new interior design that was accomplished this past Lent. Parishioner’s reaction has been mostly positive to the new schema. It’s not perfect (what is?!) but most are finding that it embraces you more each week.
Still to be done this summer will be a new carpet for the sanctuary, finish wood staining the side altars and sanctuary chairs and some possible accent lighting for the church walls. It’s going to be beautiful. - The Staff. Two members of the staff have recently stepped back from their ministries at HT. Judy Cass, our Confirmation Coordinator, and Pat Bell, out Catechetical Assistant, have completed several years of faithful service. Thank you, Pat and Judy! (We are currently interviewing candidates for a Coordinator of Confirmation and Youth Ministry.)
- Personal time. (I hope you get some yourself.) I plan on traveling to Ohio once or twice this summer to see the sisses. And yes . . . there will be some golf as well. Looking out a bit further I want to make my priest retreat this year. It’s been two years since I’ve been to the monastery I’ve visited for over 30 years. Covid has kept the monks wary of allowing visitors but this year I’m free to stay with them again. Sometime in the fall I’m thinking.
- Books. Fr. John sets a good example here (he’s a voracious reader). Thanks to him I’ve rediscovered the pleasure of reading. I hope to get to several books this summer. Fr. John likes mysteries. I like biographies and social commentary. Do you read? It’s better than TV!
So what are your plans? Travel? Reunions? Sports? Special family time? Whatever you do, I hope that, over all, you see this precious time as a gift. A time to experience the beauty of the world of nature, to use the fine weather as a time to connect with friends, family and neighbors.
Perhaps in those summer conversations you might even drop the name “Holy Trinity” and the fact that it’s a place where you find your spirit renewed. You might even ask them to join you some Sunday. I bet they’ve never been asked that before. Tell’ em they don’t even have to have envelopes!
Bless your Summer days.
Fr. Tim