Ready, Set . . . . . Wait.

(This is an oldie, but the message still applies)

So here we go . . . the mad dash to Christmas. I’m sure you saw the pictures of people (perhaps you were there yourself) waiting in line to begin shopping.

Adding to the frenzy is the dismantling of the firewall around Thanksgiving. This holiday has traditionally been most pristine in observing family traditions — the parade, visits to grandparents, football, the table, the turkey, the prayer (“okay, everybody say what they’re thankful for.”)

Not anymore. It’s just like any other day now. “Stores are open for your shopping convenience. Get a head start on your Christmas gift list. Have that turkey, then join us for our huge holiday savings!” One poor fellow was quoted in the paper, “I know it’s Thanksgiving but I have to buy my kids some stuff.”

Somehow we’ve gotten things out of order. The tail is wagging the dog.

There’s a remedy for this. It’s called Advent. These next

four weeks are a time of waiting, reflecting, praying. It is a time where, with God’s humble birth soon to come, our hearts can soften and a freshness to life be restored. It is a joyful time of expectation. Advent is sort of like that happy buzz in the theatre while everyone waits for the curtain to go up.

So how can you celebrate “waiting”? What rituals help us understand “expectation”? Advent helps us experience what we call “less”. Or another way to express it . . . “without”. Here are some suggestions to help your Ad- vent waiting. (I don’t mean to sound like a Grinch here but I think these will help prepare for the great Feast of Christmas).

  • Avoid the “Christmas Specials” on television…the ones that have Santa and huge happy endings with everyone singing and clapping. It’s not Christmas yet.
  • Avoid listening to the popular carols (Jingle Bells, We wish you a Merry C, Joy to the World, Silent Night, etc.). Christ hasn’t come yet. Handel’s Messiah is great Advent music.
  • “Small”, “Quiet”, “Slow” are good. (Big, Loud, and Fast tends to get us tense and anxious.)
  • Red and gold throughout the house says Christmas . . . try silver, blue and purple during Advent. I sound like Martha Stewart!!
  • “Secrets” are great ways to prepare for the Christ Child. Do something really nice for someone. Do it in such a way that they will never discover you were the one who did it!
  • Lower your expectations. This will NOT be. .”the best Christmas ever!” It will be good and holy in just the way God wants it to be for you . . . if you practice the Advent spirit.
  • Teach the children/grandchildren to appreciate the small and humble way God chose to come to us. Find some small little task to do with a child to “get ready” for the Feast. (Bring your child to church during the week; light a candle for someone they choose and say a prayer).
  • Sadness often comes at Advent. We’ve all suffered some loss that the season puts us in touch with. Let any Advent sadness we have soften our hearts for others. There is always someone who suffers more than me. Pray for them in the midst of your sadness.
  • You are your best gift to others. You can bring a new freshness to your affection for people. Let yourself be renewed by the wonderful quiet and smallness of Advent.

Go slow. God bless you!

Fr. Tim

Scripture Readings for the 1st Sunday in Advent

First Reading: Jeremiah 33:14-16
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 25:4-5, 8-9, 10, 14
Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 3:12-4:2
Gospel: Luke 21:25-28, 34-36

Scripture Readings for the 2nd Sunday of Advent

First Reading: Baruch 5:1-9
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6
Second Reading: Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11
Gospel: Luke 3:4, 6
