Light a Candle . . or . . Curse the Darkness?

There is a prayer league called the Christopher’s who have as their motto, “It’s better to light one candle than to curse the darkness”. What a wonderful motto. I bet you can explain its meaning without much coaching . . . spread the light, not the dark.

But, what does that mean in practical ways? It means there is a choice to be made in many of our human activities, a choice between goodness and meanness, or truth or lies, or generosity and selfishness.

There are, of course, “neutral choices” or choices of preference (the soup you eat or the toothpaste you buy) that don’t spread light or darkness. But, think for a minute how many times in the day we are confronted with opportunities for goodness or evil in the twinkling of an eye.

Do I:

Say something positive about a person, or join in the litany of faults that others enjoy telling?
Watch something funny or human or beautiful on TV, or search out programming with ultra violence, fear or lewdness?

Try to find something hopeful in a difficult situation, or enjoy describing how terrible things are?
Do I wait for the smallest opportunity to “be offended”, or do I take any personal slights as coming from some-one whose day is probably harder than mine? Or, some-one who needs my patience?

Do I take the old comfortable path of minimal effort, or do I try to make something beautiful or excellent?

Do I give a person the benefit of the doubt, or do I pre-sume their motives are small and mean?

Do I enjoy getting angry and being hurt? Or, do I try (not always successfully!) to ignore or forgive?

Do I grab that parking spot, or let someone else have it?

Do I enjoy a whining? (“It’s just not fair!”) Or, do I try to point out what’s wrong in a way that people are invited to correct? (“Why don’t we try this? Let’s try to make this better).

Did you know that the light is more powerful than the dark? (Sometimes we wonder, don’t we?) Think about it though; what is darkness, but the absence of light. Darkness is removed by lighting a light. I think of the Easter Vigil – how the Paschal Candle burns alone in the Church announcing the Resurrection? Darkness has no power over light . . . so long as it shines.

“Dear God, help me to learn to love your Light. Help me to learn that I carry your Light. Oh God, use me to spread your Light.”


Bless you always,
Fr. Tim


Hello Summer!!!

The detail almost slipped by me, but last Sunday was the first day of Summer. Aren’t you glad that smarter people than you and me took the time to figure out just when it happens?

So, what are your plans for this summer? Travel? Family get-togethers? Gardening? Maybe just some time to relax. I want to do all those (except the gardening — too many years weeding my dad’s garden).

So, here’s what I hope my summer can be about:

  • I want to get back to Ohio a couple times this summer. My sisters, Patty and Maureen, totally spoil me, and their husbands don’t mind. “Tim, come again, I only get to eat like this when you come by.”
  • I’ve played golf since I was 9 yrs. old. I really like it. Over the years some college buddies have taken me to the cleaners. I mean, they see me coming! It’s time for payback! (By the way, are you planning to play in the parish golf tournament July 27? Sign up!)
  • Sometime this summer I will be driving with good friends to Quebec City. I am not a good traveler, but it is fun to tag along with those who love seeing new sights. Bon Voyage!!!!
  • Now that we’ve made our goal for “This is My Parish!” I want to bring the two projects we told you about (Phase 1 of the church roof, and the new parking surfaces), to completion. I hope by mid-September we can have those done.
  • There are a few fellows I know who are thinking about the priesthood. I hope to have a cookout and conversation with them sometime this summer.
  • There are three new books on my table I’m looking forward to reading.
  • Eventually, this summer (not right now), I’ll have to start talking with our Parish Council about the next pastoral year. “What is God asking us to do this year?”

Anyway, I hope these precious summer days are filled with peace and a growing awareness of God’s love for you.

As always, for you.
Fr. Tim

“This is My Parish!”
Completes it’s goal!!
The Ask . . . $424,000
Your Response . . . $453,000!!
Holy Trinity you are amazing. God bless you.

You Pledged $406,948. Wonderful! . . . $20,000 still to go.

I can’t tell you how impressive your response to the “This is My Parish!” campaign has been. The num-bers above tell the story so far. Who would have thought that in two weeks time we would have come so far?

Back in April the Finance Committee and I held our breath as we contemplated the monies needed to replace our church roof and repair parking spaces and driveways. “How can we do this?” I asked. The committee responded without hesitation, “Ask the people. We’re ready to help.”

And so you have. Bless you dear people.

But still I need to remind you that we are not done yet. Several facts remain that tell us it’s not time to relax.

1. Almost daily we’re getting reports that the roof substructure needs further buttressing. What we’ll find as we move down the length of the roof is anyone’s guess. Each new discovery and repair adds to the estimated bill.

2. Your pledge is for two years. A lot can happen in that time . . . to you and to Holy Trinity. Funding experts tell us that final tallies usually run 10 to 15 percent less than what is pledged. Unforeseen family circumstances can require some to forgo their pledge. (We understand this, and I trust you will make the decisions that are best for your family.)

3. There are other projects that I didn’t have the courage to tell you about . . . thinking we never could get to them. One is to help the worship experience in the west wing. (Some Sundays there are up to 200 people going to mass in folding chairs set up in the Gathering Space.) We’d like to help their worship by adding a large video screen and camera showing the pulpit and altar — the sound is already quite good there.

4. Take a look at the roof on the annex building (currently housing the Positive Pre-School). It’s a mess. It too needs a new roof.

5. Then there’s our ancient church boiler, the de-caying window fittings on our beautiful stained glass windows, and the leaking roofs discovered this past winter in the church wings.

Get the picture? Holy Trinity is a huge complex. The facilities are beautiful but aging for sure. We will do what we can to secure this place for the generation to come.

I promise you we will not take on any unnecessary projects or undergo any parish debt so far as we are able.

In the meantime, THANK YOU. THANK YOU. We’re on our way! If you have not yet made your contribution to “This is My Parish!,” please do so in the weeks ahead. We still have a ways to go. “And miles to go before we sleep.”

With love,
Fr. Tim


Hey Dad.

Like Mother’s Day this tribute to fathers ran last year at this time. Why again? Well. . . it’s like dad’s brown shoes – he wore them day after day.

It’s hard explaining Fathers. Each is different. Each father brings different skills with which they make their contribution. Some are handymen, fixing everything in the house. Some are sportsmen, sharing the love of outdoors, fishing, and hunting. Some make work their special skill.

But here’s some things that all fathers share, or at least, I think they should.

Today is your day. We’re not too keen on these things, are we. Somehow it goes against what we see as our role as the “watch over person”. We’ve all seen holy cards of the Holy Family. There they are, Mary and the baby, front and center. Joseph is usually off to the side watching or standing over his wife and the child as protector. We like the background role.

In fact, we can sometimes “hide” in the back when things get sticky or uncomfortable. When tears or disappointment come to the children, it’s time for mom! She’s the expert in handling emotions or significant events . . . birthdays, in-laws, holidays, vacation plans etc.

So what DO you do, dad?

Can I tell you what I’ve seen you do? First off, you love your wife. She has the key to your heart. She is the one person who pulled you out of yourself when you were this whiney, selfish 20/30 something. She helped you discover that “to love” meant to “lay your life down”. You didn’t know that until you met her. Now your job is to make her life a joy.

The second thing is the children she gave you to hold. What profound stirrings you felt when each of your children looked up at you.

Somewhere came that particular “Father feeling” that said, “No one will ever hurt this child so long as I am here. You are safe with me dear one . . . do you hear that world?!!”

What else do you do, Dad?

You create a “place” that is warm, safe, and fun. Yes, it’s a place to live, but it’s more than that. Your strength and love and watchfulness brings about a place in which your wife and children can blossom and grow. They don’t have to worry, “are we okay here”?. They’re free from fear because you are there. You are like the house beams! -always there, quiet, holding things in place. The world is dependable . . . because you are dependable. You beat back the chaos.

Last on my list of things to thank you for is the fact that you didn’t give into me when you knew I was headed in the wrong direction. I could bully mom into going along with some silly scheme I thought was really cool. “Well honey if it will make you happy.” You wouldn’t budge.

“Rethink that”, you would say. “That’s not what we taught you.” You had several other sayings that went right to the heart of the matter. Things like . . . don’t give up. . . you disappoint me (ouch!) . . . do it the right way, not the easy way . . . I’m proud of you . . . don’t worry, I’ll be there. . . and (yes, dad you actually said this) . . . “I’m not your friend, I’m your father.” Dad, you saved us from our worst impulses.

Lastly, you show us something of God the Father. Strong, present, watching, protecting, our rock. You gave us a “place” of safety to discover who we are; you were strong enough to listen when mom knew us better. You gave up your crazy ways to be our dad. We are really glad you did.

Happy Fathers Day, dad. We love you.

Fr. Tim


While you were sleeping . . .

One of the attitudes that marks our Western culture is the notion that we are in control of our lives and our future. The powerful tools of science and technology enable us to live lives expecting results that will please and comfort us.

Let’s see . . . today I’ll take my car to the mall where I’ll buy an Ipod which has an app that, with two touches, books a room in a snazzy resort and tells me the water temperature in the hotel pool. My doctor will fix my bad hip. The micro will heat my pasta. And tonight I’ll watch the Yankees play Boston in high def. I’m pretty set. Life is good.

So pervasive is our confidence that these machines will (pardon me, Webster) make my “life worth living” that we begin to expect our life to be what we command it to be.

So who needs God when life can be so controlled and self-directed?

But you and I know it’s not that simple. Life is bigger than that. “Things happen”. Sometimes life just doesn’t work out the way we planned. The comfort and convenience we get from our machines just doesn’t satisfy the hunger we have in our hearts.

You see we were made for something greater than high def TV, and Ipods, and even the Yankees (put your team) winning the pennant.

In short, we were made for God. We were made in the likeness of God. Scripture says we, unlike any other creature in this universe, are God’s Children! How can this be? Because God became one of us when He was born a human being. And this human being, Jesus, God’s Son, has asked that we allow him to enter our lives and “live in us”. (see: John 17:20-26)

How does this happen? By the gift of the Holy Spirit! It is a Divine Person who we cannot see and, un-like our Ipod, we cannot control. This Pentecost Sun-day we hear again about the strong driving wind which first blew over the waters of creation now blowing over the apostles, making them “born again” in the Spirit.

The fondest longing of the human heart is realized today. We belong to God, and one day “we will be-come like Him,” Again, this is not because of any-thing we have done to cause it. We can’t make our-selves children of anybody . . . it has to be given to us. Today we are God’s Children by adoption. The Holy Spirit places in us the Spirit of Jesus Christ, and with that spirit a new life is begun – a life of Faith, Hope, and Love; one which moves us to cry out, “ABBA, FATHER!”

Like a baby!! While we sleep. The Holy Spirit is working in us to bring us to the Kingdom of God where we, in union with Christ, will be with God for-ever. How wonderful is that?!

Dear God, thank you for the gift of your Holy Spirit.
Peace. All will be well.

Fr. Tim



OK, here we go.

It’s been a month now since we’ve begun work on the church roof around the towers. We’re being told the wood decay is extensive under the slate tiles and much carpentry work is required on the 114 year-old substructure.

What you are seeing is Phase 1 of an eventual total repair and replacement of the church roof. Phase 2 will happen at this time next year. The stained glass windows will also be re-enforced and tightened at this time.


You may also have noticed that the paving around Murphy Hall and the parking lot condition in the north field and along Ridge Rd. is a mess. We’re going to expand and pave the north parking lot and re-surface the stone and gravel areas around the church.


Surprise!! Three generous parishioners have given us contributions of $171,000. These gifts have given us the courage to bring the 2 renovation projects to completion by asking you to step up to the challenge of raising the remaining …………………. $424,000.

This Sunday, you are asked to take home a pledge card (located in your pew) to consider what you and your household would be able to sacrifice so we might secure the strength and safety of our beautiful old church and its campus.

We’re calling it THIS IS MY PARISH SUNDAY! It begins next week, when, after the homily, you will be invited to bring your envelope forward for an industrial strength Penny Sunday Collection for Holy Trinity!

You will have 2 YEARS to fulfil your contributions. Those who leave a card next Sunday will be remind-ed by the Parish Office on a quarterly basis as to the balance remaining on the pledge.

Please be ready to give your initial response next Sunday. Or, you may also go online to our website at to sign your……………… THIS IS MY PARISH! Contribution.

I trust you know we would not be asking this of you, were it not absolutely necessary for the long life of Holy Trinity church. The building is 114 years old. Time to give her a new hat!

Let’s get this done. All of us together.

Fr. Tim


My Kids Don’t Go to Mass . . .

One of the most common and sharpest pain priests hear about is the sorrow parents and grandparents feel about their children not practicing their Faith, not going to mass.
They look back over the years spent getting children to religious education, making all their sacraments, fighting and arguing on the way to church, and throwing hands up they exclaim, “How did I fail them? What did I do wrong?”

It’s a big issue, not something to solve in this little article. But here are a few thoughts that might ease the pain and point to hope for the future.

First off, you are not the perfect parent. (Mary and Joseph came the closest to that, and even they lost track of their boy for 3 days!). You yourself were imperfectly formed by your parents and on and on back into time. GOD KNOWS THIS ABOUT YOU. God judges your heart and your intentions for your children, not the imperfect answers you gave them in those embarrassing conversations about Faith and morality.

If in fact you know how it was that you came up short (laziness, lack of faith earlier in your life), you may want to share with your children how you regret your earlier lack of faith or your half-hearted efforts to share your be-lief. But now you’ve grown to see the power of Faith to change your life. Yes, an acknowledgement from mom or dad about their own shortcomings can go a long way to heal old wounds and angry accusations.

Secondly, it’s not too late to share your faith. No longer grade-schoolers, your children still look to you for love and guidance. But this time around it has to be different. They need to see how your faith and religious practices make a difference in your life. They need adult answers.

“So, mom/dad, you believe in Jesus right? Does that make you better than others? How does that help you live your life? How will it help me?” Think long and hard about your answer. People need to see that following Christ re-ally makes a difference in how you live.

Are you . . . more Patient? Generous? Hopeful? Selfless? Forgiving? Less judgmental? Do you try to think the best of people? Are you happy? Are you ready to point out what’s good in a situation (even though there’s darkness everywhere)? Why? How does Faith help you do these things? These are just a few of the signs that shine through a life that finds its meaning by following Jesus Christ. If we don’t exhibit these why would someone want to practice our religion?

Third. Life is a strong teacher. It brings lessons we never thought we’d have to encounter – – poverty, sickness, tragedy, broken relationships. But also there are moments of inexpressible joy – – first love, a baby, some victory in sport, the job you’ve worked so hard for.

These moments are full of “God possibilities”. God uses the events of our life to come to us with His strength when we are weak and can’t go on. Or, He comes to us in times of joy to remind us that life is a gift and in the end, love wins. Lastly, God knows your child better than you do. God knows why they do what they do to keep Him away. God also knows the secret goodness your son or daughter already has for God (you don’t!).

So? Trust God to find moments of love to lure your child into heaven. And . . . be ready to be an instrument of gentle, gracious, patient witness to God in YOUR LIFE. And then? Pray. Pray. . . . pray some more.

Love wins. All will be well.
Why? Simple. Jesus Christ is risen from the dead.

Fr. Tim


Wanna Be Happy?…Serve Somebody.

I hope by now you know how happy Fr. John and I are being priests. I’ve told many young men in my job as Vocation Director that were I given the opportunity to choose my life over again, I’d be a priest. I just like it. It fits me.

Perhaps the biggest reason it feels right is that I think God wanted me to be a priest. It was His idea first . . . and then ever respectful of my freedom, God found ways to get me thinking about this way of life. It makes me happy to think God has an opinion about what we should do with the life He’s given us.

He never forced me with fear or guilt. God used natural human things to get my attention . . . comments of people who knew me well, watching some priests who I liked a lot (seeing their happiness and humor), feeling a desire to help people, realizing that we’re only here in this world for a while . . . all contributed to a growing feeling that God was calling me to live my life as a priest.

It isn’t easy to hear God’s voice calling. It requires listening in prayer, a careful examination of your heart and its feelings, and hardest of all, was trying to find “my heart’s desire.” In the end it came down to, “Tim, what do you want to die for?” And the answer – – though it took a while – – was, “I want to die for you, Jesus. I want to give my life to you and do the things that will help people get to heaven.” For me that said, “be a priest.”

That’s my story in three paragraphs! It certainly wasn’t my mother and father’s story. It’s probably not your story either. Most people don’t have that odd appeal toward a celibate life lived for the purpose of spreading Christ’s Kingdom. I mean really, let’s face it, it’s pretty different.

But . . . . your story and my story have that most important aspect in common, “Who will you die for?” Or, to put it in a slightly milder way, what is there in your life that you would be willing to sacrifice it all for? That’s God’s invitation to you. That’s your vocation.

For my father it was a beautiful woman named Rosemary. For mom it was her husband and her children. And they did. They laid it down, for each other and for us children.

And do you know who in the end we all lay it down for? Teacher, parent, spouse, priest, musician, poet, carpenter, farmer, soldier, cop, nurse, bus driver . . . we are all called to lay it down for Christ.

Yes, that’s right. You have a vocation to give your life to Christ, to be at His service each day of your life. In that sense your vocation is the same as the priest or nun.

The only problem is we don’t see him. We don’t see Him, because He’s hiding! He’s hiding in the face of your spouse, your students, customers, friends, enemies, your children, your parents, your neighbor, your check out per-son, and yes, even the cable guy! All human kind is unit-ed to Christ. (The Incarnation-God becomes one of us.)

You get it, right? “Whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever looses his life for my sake, (see everyone above), and that of the gospel will save it.” Mk. 8:35. We are the only creature made by God that comes to understand their life by giving it away. That’s all of our vocations — to lay it down in love.

Because Jesus Christ is risen from the dead.

Happy Spring!

Fr. Tim


Thank You Mother.

(I know how special this day is for all of you. I had wanted to send out a fresh message, but time just
didn’t allow. Please accept this “re-run” of a year ago. Mom, we love you!)

Forgive my nostalgia, but for the second time this month, I’m looking back over my memory bank. This time, of course, it has to do with my mother.

I hope you spend some time today with your mom. If you are blessed enough to still have her with you, I’m sure you will try to make her day special. If she has gone from this life, be sure to spend a moment to say a prayer for her — she’s watching, you know!!. Perhaps, put her picture on the table, and spend some time smiling at the woman who brought you into the world.

I thought I’d share a memory of my mother that really captures this fun, interesting and loyal woman. You may remember my earlier description of her as missing that “nurturing gene”. She trusted that her children could figure it out themselves, and then we’d sit and compare notes on “life!”

Anyway, this goes back to 1958. My mother and I had ventured into the world of Cub Scouting . . .

Are or were you a scouter? Many can claim this wonderful activity as a major part of their youth. I cannot. It was too tough for me. I wasn’t disciplined enough. I was a Cub Scout for a short while. The Order of Wolf was as far as I got. I remember liking the cookies and Kool Aid and running around at the end of meetings tackling my fellow cubs.

But the part of the meeting where I had to tie the knots, or do the craft, or master the promises – I just couldn’t do it.

I remember sitting with my mother, who, God bless her, had accepted the charge of being my DEN MOTHER the night before Wolf Badges were to be awarded. My merit badges were unearned at that point, and we frantically searched for a way to accomplish them by tomorrow’s deadline. It was a moment of desperation, which brought a great temptation.

“Well, if you tried to name all the leaves, do you think you’d eventually get them?”, asked my moth-er. “Sure I could,” I said with confidence. “And those knots, if you really tried hard, could you learn to tie them?” “You bet mom!” A checkmark was entered in the box marked “task completed.” Mom took a long puff on her cigarette…

…Suddenly, we both knew that this charade could not go on. “Tim, I don’t think I can recommend you for the badges tomorrow.” “I know mom.” On that honest note my career in scouting ended, and so too, my mother’s title of den mother. It was better for us both.

Oh mother! What fun you were. What freshness you brought to so many. I will see you in the Kingdom. And Dad too. (There are some stories there!!). Yes, I will see you . . . because Jesus Christ is risen from the dead.

Thank you mom. Happy Mother’s Day!
Fr. Tim


Positive Thinking . . . A Gift of Easter

As I’ve mentioned to you, my father was an insurance salesman who overcame many personal qualities (he was very shy and prone to pessimism) to be-come an outgoing, confident, highly knowledgeable insurance agent.

Along the way he found a couple of motivational books that helped him get beyond his personality weaknesses: N. V. Peale’s, How to Win Friends and Influence People, and The Power of Positive Thinking. These were life changers for dad, and he insisted his pouty teenage son read them both.

I hated them. They seemed so ‘50’s, “establishment”, as my generation would caustically remark. “Just think positively and everything will turn out peachy keen,” I mocked. “Tell that to the guys in Viet Nam,” I said with righteous fervor. Get real dad.

That was a long time ago. As in many things, I’ve come to see my dad was right. You become what you believe in. You acquire the qualities of what you take into yourself.

For example, if I spend my time watching dark or violent or lustful images, I begin to have a hunger for these things in real life (ever see one of those cage matches on Ultimate Fighting? I become excited by human blood and pain. Horrible).

If I pride myself in finding something wrong in any given situation, I begin to prefer the negative. I feel validated by it, proclaiming myself a “realist”. Our spirits are shaped by what we take into our minds.

Regard the face of the social worker who has devoted her life to helping the poor, or the face of the old nun who has taught thousands of school children, or the face of the symphony conductor finishing Beethoven’s Pastoral symphony . . . They are beautiful! Look at the face of the mother kissing her new
born . . . so full of love.

Now this is not a psychological trick like some chameleon becoming the color it touches. It’s real. The light is real. Goodness is real. Love is real. And . . . guess what? (This is the Easter part)! This light has overcome the darkness. Love wins!

How do we know this? Because Jesus Christ is risen from the dead. “The Light has shown in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” Jn. 1:5

So, what do we do in this Easter season (and all year)? We take in the light, not the darkness — you know the difference; you can feel it. We give forth the light, we walk with those in darkness and negativity helping them to see life’s goodness.

And, all of this “positive thinking” is not just some childish wishful thinking. It’s the rock on which we live our lives – – – Jesus Christ is risen from the dead.

Let’s get to work.

Fr. Tim
