Hospitality. To be appreciated.

In a previous parish I was part of a team of catechists that led the RCIA classes for people exploring the possibility of becoming Catholic. It was there I learned a rather humbling lesson in hospitality. You see each catechist was responsible for their particular class — the room set-up, handouts, any audio/video needs — each teacher did their own thing if you will.

I remember when it was my turn to teach I took quite seriously the proper preparation of class room content. As for the room we would spend the next 90 minutes in, it was adequately prepared if the heat was on and the lights worked.

In contrast to this were the lessons taught by Sr. Anne Marie, our Pastoral Associate. Not only were her classes impeccably prepared but the room in which we would meet would always have something beautiful greeting us when we arrived. One week perhaps a burning candle safely placed in a nest of autumn leaves, another time perhaps a picture of some natural beauty or some person of nobility or dignity would greet us. And always there would be some small token of food and drink over which we would pause to eat and converse. You just felt good to be there. You felt appreciated.

I always thought, “Gee Sister this is really nice but you didn’t have to go to all the trouble.” She would only smile at me and keep up these special efforts. I am embarrassed to say that only now do I get it. Sr. Anne Marie was practicing the virtue of hospitality. And the power of this virtue does not lie in the donut holes or coffee served, rather it was in the care poured out upon those who would join her that day.

She was showing us by example how to honor people, how to create an environment that brings comfort and peace . . . why?. . . because you are a Child of God and her brother or sister in Christ. And believe me, you really felt it in her presence.

This is hospitality — treating one another as another Christ. And the wonderful thing about this virtue is that most often and most effective are the small things done out of love.

Things like:
** Smiling at the person in your pew as you take your seat. Giving a warm “hello” as we greet those around us at the beginning of mass. (They are there for the same reason you are . . . to try to find God in their life).

** Sing. Yes you. Sing. Do you recite the Happy Birth- day song at birthday parties? Of course not, you sing them. Should we give less than that to God and our neighbor? Do you see that not singing is in a way holding yourself back from joining the celebration?

** Learning someone’s name — even if you’ve failed 10 times before. What better way to honor someone than to know their name?

** Just showing up. You may not know this but people miss you when you aren’t there. Really! I’ve been asked many times by parishioners have you seen “so and so”? “I haven’t seen them in a few weeks. I hope they are well.”

** Join our greeter ministry. Welcome people at the doors of the church. It’s easy! (Stop at the Welcome Desk to find out how.)

** Being patient and understanding of a mother or father trying to calm a fussy child.

You are a good person. You know what to do. God bless you and have a wonderful week ahead.

Fr. Tim

PS. Coming to the picnic next Sunday?

Scripture Readings for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7a
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 146:6-7, 8-11
Second Reading: James 2:1-5
Gospel: Mark 7:31-37

Scripture Readings for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Isaiah 50:4c-9a
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 116:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9
Second Reading: James 2:14-18
Gospel: Mark 8:27-35


My God, How Great Thou Art.

My God, How Great Thou Art.

I think one of the chief reasons people have difficulty in hearing the gospel message about God is the “upstairs-downstairs” image of God in heaven and we humans on earth. It just doesn’t describe the universe as we experience it in the modern world.

The bible image of God showed him “up” in heaven looking “down” on us. The rains fell from the heavens at his command. Somewhere there was a “throne” on which God sat while a “choir of angels” sang his praises.

Copernicus (1473-1543) sent the religious world reeling when he discovered the sun, not the earth, as the center of our solar system . Galileo, a century later, proved those same findings in spite of vigorous Church protests.

All kinds of things got shaken up. The immense size of the universe, seen through that new gizmo (the telescope) threw out the notion of “up” or “down”. Later still, Charles Darwin proposed a new law of nature —- the evolution of the species (including humans!!). The Garden of Paradise (seen as a real garden somewhere in the Middle East), where Adam and Eve lived an idyllic life, was now consigned to “religious myth”.

It’s not so much the modern mind finds the existence of a Supreme Being unreasonable, rather, it’s the image of God, living much like an earthly king in a penthouse high above the created world, that can make many reject religion.

What is needed is a new way to image the unfathomable mystery of the Divine. Theology is working to find new ways to: 1. articulate the truths already revealed about God and humanity in the bible; and 2. Develop a way of talking about God where the actual findings of science can help us to better speak of God to the modern mind.

One of the chief insights of the last eighty years has been to see God as “participating” in the story of an unfolding, still evolving creation. Teilhard de Chardin S.J. proposes we see God as the love that pushes creation to its fulfillment.

Consider what has happened over these 17 billion years of the universe. We’ve gone from the primitive elements of matter combining in ever greater complexity to the appearance of living beings!

These living beings become the evermore complex life of plants and (billions of years later) animals.

From this animal life – – – don’t get nervous here, this is wonderful! – – – comes intelligent life (humanity). Life can now begin to understand itself! The power “to know” coming from dust, just incredible!

And then from the ability to know, there comes the ability to love. Over these billions of years creation has learned how to love. Where does the universe give evidence of love? In the human being (“And God said, let us make man in our image and likeness. In the divine image he made him.” Gen.2)

No other creature loves its young for their entire lives – buries their dead, cries tears of tenderness, sacrifices for the poor, celebrates birthdays, and makes dolls for children to play with. If you’re a creature from outer space and you’re looking for this amazing occurrence called LOVE . . . you’ll have to visit the human beings.

So what now? Where is God? What’s he waiting for? “In the fullness of time, God sent his only son. He came as the son of a human mother . . . so that we might become God’s children.” Galatians 4:4.

Jesus is God’s full entrance into the long story of creation and life. God is not sitting on a throne in the penthouse of heaven. He is the power of love working through the process of evolution. Jesus is God’s love made visible – the human person leading creation back to God.

But the job is not done. God’s love continues through nature and human history to bring all creation into its divine fullness. That’s “when everything is placed under Christ’s rule, then the Son himself will place himself under God: and God will then be all in all.” (1 Corinthians 15: 24-28 – read the whole passage. Amazing!).

What a long and breathtaking story. God is love beyond all telling and he’s chosen to show himself in the love of Christ . . . in which we have a share and by God’s grace are invited into the divine Body of Christ.

Dear God . . . how great thou art.

Fr. Tim

Scripture Readings for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-8
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 15:2-3, 3-4, 4-5
Second Reading: James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27
Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Scripture Readings for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7a
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 146:6-7, 8-11
Second Reading: James 2:1-5
Gospel: Mark 7:31-37


The Meaning of Life in 600 Words!

Christianity is the single most important event in human history. It has given us an understanding of who we are as human beings and the gift of freedom that is the essence of our nature.

Think of it. First, through its older sister, Judaism, Christianity has come to know that there is one God. This one God has created the world as a reflection of his goodness. The man and the woman are the Crown of that creation and bear a resemblance to the Creator like no other creature in the universe.

In Jesus Christ we come to know our purpose in life here on earth (to live as Christ). And by his Resurrection we know that in Christ we are called to be with God forever.

This astounding fact has set us FREE. The chains of the primeval world are broken. Previous powers such as idolatry, superstition (no more rabbit’s foot!), and magic have been shown for what they are – – shadows.

The accomplishments of Christianity have changed the world; giving birth to such things as democracy, universities, science and scientific method, medicine, modern art, farming, and charity toward the poor.

All these human developments come from two pillars of Christian faith: 1. The world is good and dependable as its existence comes from God. And 2. It all finds its meaning in love.

So full of this awareness was St. Augustine that he told his students, “love . . . . then do as you want.” And true love submits itself to what is good. Jesus tells us, “Obey my teaching and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” Jn. 8:31

In God’s plan freedom and love have a purpose – – to cooperate in the building up of the world in the name of Christ. Freedom is a joyful responsibility to give glory to God through our love.

But there is a problem. All is not yet well. You see, this world, in spite of over 2000 years of Christianity, is still in process. The wound dealt to God’s creation by the free disobedience of the human race continues to affect every one of us.

And the wound? A hunger for autonomy from God, a desire to be free from any norm that requires my obedience. We all have this. Call it what you want, “my bad self”, “selfishness”, “the rebel in me”. Faith calls it “sin” . . . in you and me and the world.

So how do we get it right? The first thing needed (and if this doesn’t happen we’re lost!) is to realize we have this rebel in us. (Please tell me you’ve met this part of yourself, right? That rebel . . . you!) We need to realize the love for self-indulgence is powerful, and in the end, if left unimpeded, will take us to our spiritual death. St. Paul says we “become slaves/addicts of sin”.

We’re going to need some help here. We can’t heal our wounded spirit.

Here’s where the Holy Spirit comes in. It gives us a new center of being. “The Spirit that God has given you does not make you slaves and cause you to be afraid; instead, the Spirit makes you God’s children . . . and since we are his children . . . there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:17, 39.)

Is this life of Christian Faith amazing or what?!! So be free . . . and behave yourselves.

Fr. Tim

Scripture Readings for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 34:2-3, 16-21
Second Reading: Ephesians 5:21-32
Gospel: John 6:60-69

Scripture Readings for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-8
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 15:2-3, 3-4, 4-5
Second Reading: James 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27
Gospel: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23


“You’re special.” . . . Says Who?

It’s human nature to want to be recognized, set apart, or seen as unique. We take great efforts to insure this hap- pens throughout our life beginning with the very names we give to our children. Names are chosen to honor the child with the memory of some loved one who has gone before them.

With our special names we set out to make our mark in the world. As kids we decorate our bikes with streamers and flashing lights. We start to develop our own “style” – the haircut we get, our favorite color, or the shirt we like.

Certain music talks to us. Certain entertainers or sports figures become our heroes. We decorate our homes, lockers, offices all in such a way as to say “this is me”.

Why do we do this? Because we need to be noticed, appreciated. No one has ever existed in earth like you. This is something to be celebrated . . . this wonderful you. Parents, isn’t this your goal with your children? To raise happy, confident young persons who know who they are and what gifts they bring to the world? Of course.

But . . . . . . .

We must be careful here. Why is each human “special”? It comes from God making us in his image and from those who pour their love into us (parents, family, friends). To them we are special. As for the world . . . we happen to be just one of what?, 6 billion human beings living on this earth.

My point is “being special” comes from being who God made us to be and from being loved. Everyone needs to be loved. Where things can go wrong is thinking the world owes me love in the form of fun and excitement and boundless opportunity . . because “I’m special”.

I’m afraid we’re raising children in such a way that when life deals disappointment and heartache (and it certainly does), when the world turns cold and could care less about how unique they are, our young ones feel like they’ve been tricked. “This is not the world you told me I was entitled to!”

“This is hard. The world is not respecting me and my plans for life. Don’t they know “I’m special?”

This is where unhappiness happens for millions of people in our country. Life just didn’t turn out the way they thought. Somehow happiness was just supposed to hap- pen.

No thought was given to how you deal with failure and disappointment. They are given no concept of life as “struggle”, no resource to deal with life’s setbacks.

So what do many do? Some of the options available are:

  1. Get bitter. Life stinks and my mission in life, my contribution, is to let everyone know how unfair life is. Be a “bitter realist”.
  2. Blame someone or something else for your problems. It’s the government, the school system, the coach, the current administration, the job market, etc.
  3. Drop out. Just stop trying. What’s the use? The world doesn’t care that I’m special so why should I try? “I didn’t ask to be born.”

Parents, grandparents, here’s how you can help. Teach your children that life is real and earnest. It’s not a cake walk. You will teach them everything they need to succeed but only by their efforts will they carve their own path through life.

Yes, sometimes life is not fair. But strangely enough it’s in these moments when the wonderful virtue of CHARACTER happens. (The quality that comes when you keep trying in the face of disappointment, when you re- fuse to give in to bitterness and name calling).

Yes, you are special; not because you’re smart or cute or athletic or popular or funny or charming . . . it’s because God made you and put His image in you and wants you to love Him and everybody else till we see God in the “Great Wow” yet to come.

Oh Summertime …………….Thank you Lord.

Fr. Tim

Scripture Readings for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Proverbs 9:1-6
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 34:2-3, 4-7
Second Reading: Ephesians 5:15-20
Gospel: John 6:51-58

Scripture Readings for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 34:2-3, 16-21
Second Reading: Ephesians 5:21-32
Gospel: John 6:60-69



I am having a hard time finding words to express my feelings about the position I have held here for the past 18 years. It truly has been a blessing to come into this office each day and know that along with the others on staff, we would be helping all of you and your families become closer to our Lord!

As the Coordinator of Faith Formation, I had the privilege of meeting and working with many families and many generations of families. One of the things that I will hold dear in my heart, and that I will miss the most is being there to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism. When I see the look on the faces of the child’s parents and grandparents as Fr. Tim pours the water over their tiny little heads, I can’t help but see the work of the Holy Spirit at that moment. Your faces just shine, with pure love, just like the face of our Father in heaven shines when He looks at us! I will miss this the most.

Thank you all for the “send-off” at the end of July! It was wonderful hearing your stories, sharing coffee and donuts, and getting hugs and high-fives from the little ones! The flowers, and gifts were unexpected, but very much appreciated. Please, pray for me as I begin this new chapter of my life, as I will always remember all of you, my “Holy Trinity Family” in prayer as well. HAAS, OUT.

Welcome to Tricia Kull, our new Faith Formation Director. You will be hearing more from her soon.

I am confident that you will give her the love and support that you have given me in the past years.

Please stop in and introduce yourself to Tricia in the Faith Formation Office!!!

Scripture Readings for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: 1 Kings 19:4-8
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 34:2-3, 4-9
Second Reading: Ephesians 4:30 – 5:2
Gospel: John 6:41-51

Scripture Readings for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Proverbs 9:1-6
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 34:2-3, 4-7
Second Reading: Ephesians 5:15-20
Gospel: John 6:51-58


Faith comes from hearing.

If you’re going duck hunting and you want to get the flock to come your way, you’ll have to use a “duck call”. If you want to call a buck in the forest, you rattle some antlers. If you want to get a baby’s attention, you’ll use soft round tones and say their name.

These different attempts at communication are shaped by the recipient’s ability to receive the message. St. Thomas Aquinas captured this nugget of human truth six hundred years ago when he said, “Nothing occurs in the intellect (you can’t know anything) if it doesn’t come first through the senses.” Animals respond to biofeedback (heat, cold, hunger, sound). Humans respond to these same things, but having intellect they come to know things through sound—- think words.

This pre-condition for knowing has profound effects on our relationship with God. How can we hear the “Voice of God” who is pure infinite spirit? If you are an angel (pure “spirit person”) you have no body, no ears. There is no need to hear. Angels know things by “seeing” with their mind. In that sense they don’t have to learn; they get things immediately when their spirit “beholds” something. They know God immediately.

As for humans, God has made us in such a way that what we can know must first come to us through our 5 senses. Unless we see, hear, touch, taste or smell something, we can’t know anything about it.

So how then does God communicate to us? He does so by obeying the laws of learning we humans were given to know things. He comes to us through our human senses, primarily through seeing and hearing.

Abraham experienced a “vision” of God in which he and his wife Sarah “heard” of a promised child in their old age. What did he do? He believed.

Moses had a “vision” of God at the Burning Bush. He “heard” God say his name – “I Am”. And what did Moses do? He believed. (How you describe their seeing and hearing is a mystery – – no burning bush has ever spoken to me!)

In each case there was given this strange ability to “believe” that God was addressing them. And from that point on, whatever happened became “God’s plan”. Theologians call it “Salvation History” and it includes the events of human history interpreted with eyes and ears now open to what was heard through Faith . . . the bible.

St. Paul makes this literal connection between hearing and faith in the Letter to the Romans 10:14ff.

“But how can they call on him (God) in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in him if they have not heard? And how will they hear without someone to preach? . . . Thus faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes from the word of Christ.”

And in Hebrews 1:1, 2: “In times past, God spoke in partial and various ways to our ancestors through the proph- ets (Abraham, Moses and Isaiah, etc.). In these last days he spoke to us through a son, through whom he created all things.”

Of this Son, John the Apostle writes: “What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes . . . and touched with our hands concerns the Word of life made visible to us . . . What we have seen and heard we now proclaim to you.” 1Jn. 1:1

And what is this word that God speaks? It is the “Word made flesh”, Jesus of Nazareth.

God continues to speak the word of Jesus in the scriptures, the teaching of the church, and the voice of God that is our conscience urging us to “do good and avoid evil”, and lastly God’s word comes at times from the peo- ple around us. This is God calling out to us.

Lord, give us the ears to hear.

Fr. Tim

Scripture Readings for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 78:3-4, 23-24, 25, 54
Second Reading: Ephesians 4:17, 20-24
Gospel: John 6:24-35

Scripture Readings for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: 1 Kings 19:4-8
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 34:2-3, 4-9
Second Reading: Ephesians 4:30 – 5:2
Gospel: John 6:41-51


Let’s Get Married!

We are about to begin the marrying season here at Holy Trinity. Traditionally the month of June was the time to tie the knot but more and more couples are moving the wedding back to later in the summer and now into September and October.

Last January eight couples made their Pre-Cana Conference here at the parish. (Pre-Cana uses the name of the town (Cana) Jesus visited for a wedding feast and turned the water into wine. It is a day long seminar given by our crack team of married couples. It helps couples reflect on and talk about the realities of married life.)

Since then they’ve taken a relationship inventory (FOCCUS) which helps couples discover what they see eye to eye about and what they differ on. It’s kind of like a “snapshot” of their relationship, “you say toe-mate -toe, I say toe-mah-toe” sort of thing.

Finally the couples meet with the priest. We have about three conversations in my office. I hear their autobiographies, where they came from, their families of origin, how they met, how they discovered “this is the one”. I ask them what their plans are for the future; careers, children, housing, education. Most exciting is to hear how the fellow popped the question to his lady. Each one is different and wonderful. Lastly we talk about religion and what role Faith plays in their life.

Part of the reason for the conversations is just to get the couple to talk. Some of course don’t need any encouragement . . . they love to talk. Its fun and laughter is of- ten a part of the conversation. Other couples are less ver- bal, often because of personality. Their stories tend to be shorter and to the point.

Both ways of talking (lots or little) are fine so long as each person is comfortable with the way their partner responds.

But long or short it doesn’t matter . . . just communicate! I remember years ago talking to a young couple soon to be married. I asked the soon to be bride, “Sarah, does Frank believe in God?” She looked puzzled and said, “I don’t know.” A minute later, at my encouragement, she turned to Frank and said, “Do you believe in God?”

I was moved to sadness to think these two were about to get married, have children, journey through life together and yet they didn’t know if either one believed in God. Oh dear.

So here’s a little test for couples thinking about marriage. Find a time when there is no hurry, when you both are relaxed and present to each other. Then ask him or her “Do you believe in God?” Or if you know the general answer already (“yes I do” or “I don’t know” etc.), ask the next question, “Why do you believe?”.

If your friend answers generously, if they truly want to answer your question no matter how awkward it may be, you have a good person who wants to include you into this and other personal parts of their life. Congratulations.

If they refuse to answer or make it sound like the question is stupid or not worth talking about . . . beware. How will God be a part of your marriage if you can’t share what you believe and why? How will you deal with the challenges of life, the moments of Christian joy — Christmas, Easter, First Holy Communion, etc.?

God may ask the believer to be a bridge to faith for the non-believer. This does happen. But be sure you know what’s needed before you leap!

Anyway . . . dear engaged couples . . . we pray for you. We hope your lives together will have great joy. The greatest joy is to have your love bring your spouse to the love of God.

Happy Summer!


Scripture Readings for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: 2 Kings 4:42-44
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 145:10-11, 15-18
Second Reading: Ephesians 4:1-6
Gospel: John 6:1-15

Scripture Readings for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 78:3-4, 23-24, 25, 54
Second Reading: Ephesians 4:17, 20-24
Gospel: John 6:24-35


YOU AND GOD: 20 Questions

. . . Some questions to think about. Maybe you could share them with your partner or friend and hear their answers as well. Go slow. Don’t do them all at once.

Can you remember a time as a child (@6-12yrs.) that God seemed close to you? Where were you? How did it feel?

  1. When I was 10 years old I thought God was like . . .
  2. It’s different now that I am older; God seems like . . .
  3. Moments when I find myself believing in God are . . .
  4. Things that make it hard to believe in God are . . .
  5. Praying is essential to growing in Faith. How do you pray? When do you pray?
  6. Finish this sentence: “I turn to God when . . . “
  7. How do you know when your love for someone is really real, not just a momentary feeling?
  8. Do your children or friends know you believe in God? What evidence do they see?
  9. Do you worry sometime that God can’t make this world “right”?
  10. Have you ever done something that cost you time and frustration (and gave you nothing in return) solely because it was the right thing to do? How did that feel?
  11. Has anything hurtful or frustrating happened to you that later on contained a hidden “goodness” that showed you God was there?
  12. What is “a grace”?
  13. What do you think children need to know to become who they were meant to be?
  14. Tears are most times a sign of love. What would move you to tears?
  15. What does the current bickering in Washington, almost monthly acts of senseless violence, natural disasters around the world do to your faith?
  16. Jesus tells us, to be his disciples we will experience the cross. What cross (suffering) do you carry in union with Him?
  17. “Life is more __________ than I thought it would be.” (What word (s) would you use to reflect your thought? . . . . Hard, happy, boring, full, empty, scary, wonderful, funny, mysterious, etc.)
  18. Looking back, do you wish you could change any thing?
  19. Looking forward, do you wish to change anything?
  20. What has happened in your life that you would NEVER change?

. . . Just some questions to think about and maybe share with someone? ( bet you bump into some God Stuff you didn’t realize was there).

God’s going to get you. But you’ve got to let Him.

Fr. Tim

Scripture Readings for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Jeremiah 23:1-6
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 23:1-3, 3-4, 5,6
Second Reading: Ephesians 2:13-18
Gospel: Mark 6:30-34

Scripture Readings for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: 2 Kings 4:42-44
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 145:10-11, 15-18
Second Reading: Ephesians 4:1-6
Gospel: John 6:1-15


The Family Meal

I’ve said many times that creating a family and raising children is the toughest job in the world. Parents are heroes. One of the things that makes family life such a challenge is the culture we live in. Its values and goals so often conflict with the life experiences we want our children to have.

Most parents want the “best” for their family. But what is the best? Current social norms encourage families to “go for it all”. Sports, social media, cell phones, video games, internet browsing, cable TV are all part of the fabric of young family life.

Each in themselves can be harmless and at best, recreational and restorative. But, as in all things, “too much” causes dysfunction and the breakdown of the peaceful flow of human relationships.

Just last week the newspaper reported that teens were spending more time on the computer and cell phones than in daily sleep! A local college chaplain told me the biggest challenge he had in helping his young students was to get them to put down their iPads and talk to each other!

In all the chatter of social media we are losing something precious . . . the fun and satisfaction of talking and relating with each other. Strong measures to correct this are needed and it will, at times, take courage and wisdom to deal with the resistance.

One step you can take is the family meal (especially on Sunday). Does your family have dinner together? Maybe not every night given people’s crazy schedules – – – but more times than not during the week, families should sit at table to eat and share stories about the day or upcoming events.

It’s not that any one hilarious story or deeply meaningful comment will happen; that’s not the point. What’s happening is the wider event — we’re caring for each other. We’re learning about our lives together. The dinner table is where we show each other “I’ve got your back”, “we are a family”.

Think back. I bet you could tell five really good stories about your dinner table growing up. Funny stories, stories of tears and melt downs, stories of deep sharing. Parents it’s up to you to show your children how important dinner together is. You’re there to create memories.

So . . . . . . cell phones, video games, iPads, all have their proper place, just not at the dinner table.

Here’s a Dinner Table Story from Fr. Tim’s youth.

We had a dog named “Penny”, a copper colored weiner dog. This dog had free run of the back yard and, as dogs do, Penny would leave her “droppings” everywhere. As we headed out to play, mom would remind us to “watch where we stepped”. Well guess who didn’t? No sooner had we finished Grace before meal, that the odor told everyone someone had “stepped in it”. “Check your shoes”, dad would say. Yes it was me. No shouting or finger pointing . . . just go clean off your shoes or even better take them off. Returning to the table, the offense having been removed, we all could enjoy our dinner.

I’ve told Fr. John this is the perfect image of Purgatory (you can’t sit at the Banquet of Heaven with “you know what” on your shoes). Clean ’em off and you’re welcome at the table. He’s not buying it.

God loves you very much.

Fr. Tim

Scripture Readings for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Amos 7:12-15
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 85:9-10, 11-14
Second Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14
Gospel: Mark 6:7-13

Scripture Readings for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Jeremiah 23:1-6
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 23:1-3, 3-4, 5,6
Second Reading: Ephesians 2:13-18
Gospel: Mark 6:30-34


Music Ministry Team

We are proud to announce our new Music Ministry Team for 2018 and beyond.

We welcome Linda Carson as Organist. Linda and her husband Mark, have been parishioners for 6 years. She brings a beautiful touch and sound to the organ at Holy Trinity. Welcome, Linda!

Lisa Thyne is our new Choir Director. Lisa has been a parishioner and a choir member for just a year. Lisa brings a love of Liturgy and music. She will direct the Adult Choir, Contemporary Ensemble and the Children’s Choir.

Clare Schreiber will be Music Coordinator, helping with the selection of Music, coordinating and overseeing cantors and being liaison to the Staff at HT. She will also step in to help with funerals during the week when possible.

We are excited to have this new trio in our Music Ministry, and hope you will join us in welcoming them to the team!

We will officially introduce the team in September, but feel free to say “welcome/hi” in the meantime!

Linda Carson | Lisa Thyne | Clare Schreiber

Scripture Readings for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Ezekiel 2:2-5
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 123:1-2, 2, 3-4
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Gospel: Mark 6:1-6a

Scripture Readings for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Amos 7:12-15
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 85:9-10, 11-14
Second Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14
Gospel: Mark 6:7-13
