Full Calendar | Faith Formation | Senior Ministry

In Person Masses
Sundays: 8:30 am | 10:30 am
Mondays – Fridays: 8:30 am
Saturdays: 4:30 pm
1st Saturdays Spanish Mass: 6:30 pm
Livestream Masses
Sundays: 8:30 am | 10:30 am
Mondays – Fridays: 8:30 am
Saturdays: 4:30 pm
Livestream | Daily Readings | Magnificat | Click to Pray

Lenten Adoration
Lent will be here shortly and a beautiful practice to consider for your Lenten prayer, Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament enthroned on the altar. Adoration will be available at Holy
Trinity every Friday during Lent following the 8:30 am Mass to 6:30 pm. If you can plan to spend an hour in quiet meditation and prayer with the Lord on one or more of those days, please sign up in the Gathering Space after any Mass, or call Clare Schreiber at 746-8075.

Stations of the Cross
Fridays during Lent at 7:00 pm

Fish Fry Fridays
Fridays 5:00-6:30 pm
March 7-April 11
St. Rita Parish Center
Fish Dinner
Fish Dinner (senior)
Fish Dinner (1/2)
Cheese Pizza
Cheese Pizza (1/2)
Extra Applesauce
Extra Coleslaw
Extra Potatoes
Sit down or take out
Dinners include fried or baked fish, potato wedges, coleslaw or applesauce, and a roll.
Proceeds support St. Rita School.

Divine Mercy Novena at
The Church of the Most Holy Trinity
Friday, April 18 – Saturday, April 26
This year the Divine Mercy Novena begins on Good Friday, April 18th, is prayed for nine consecutive days and ends on Saturday April 26th. Each week, our bulletin will provide more information on Divine Mercy, the Chaplet, St. Faustina and why our Lord asked that the Novena be prayed on specific days leading to Divine Mercy Sunday. All are invited to join in praying this Novena whether you participate from home or in person. Prayer guides will be provided.

Eucharistic Adoration
Thursdays from 3:00 to 4:00 pm
Third Thursdays 3:00 to 8:00 pm
Holy Hour and Benediction from 7:00-8:00 pm
Litany of the Sacred Heart; Silent Adoration Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Call the parish office at (585) 265-1616,
if you would like to sign up.

Operation Rice Bowl
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) organizes a program each year called Operation Rice Bowl, which is a great way to practice almsgiving during Lent. The idea is that you keep a cardboard bowl in your home and put in spare change to help those in need throughout the world. During this holy season, it is especially important to come together as a family and reflect on those in our community and beyond who are in need. If you would like to participate, the CRS Rice Bowls may be found at every parish entrance.
We will collect your CRS Rice Bowl through Sunday, April 27th. Please drop off at the Main Parish Office.
Thank you for your generosity!

Cheese Empanadas With Beans
- 2 c flour
- 2 T vegetable shortening
- 1 t baking powder
- 1 c cold water mixed with 1 t salt
- 12 oz queso fresco or farmer’s cheese, shredded
- 4 T fair trade olive oil
- 2 16-oz cans of kidney beans, drained
- 1 onion, diced
- 1 red bell pepper, chopped
- 1 t cumin
- Cilantro (for garnish)
Empanadas: Mix the flour, shortening, baking powder and salted water in a medium-sized bowl. Knead until combined. On a floured surface, form dough into a roll. Cut into 6 to 8 equal pieces. Flatten each piece into a circle about 5 inches in diameter. Place about a tablespoon of cheese on one half of the circle and fold the other half of the dough over the cheese, making sure to seal the cheese inside.
Add oil to a large pan and heat until very hot. Place one empanada in the pan. Once the bottom is browned, turn over to cook the other side. Remove from pan and place on a paper towel to absorb the extra oil. Repeat with the other pieces of dough.
Beans: In a separate pan, sauté the onion and bell pepper with oil. Add the beans and cumin until warm. Garnish with cilantro.

Penny Sunday
March 15/16
The mission of Angels of Mercy is to educate, pro- tect and empower women as they move forward on their healing journey. The group raises awareness to stop human trafficking in both Rochester and the surrounding areas.
To learn more about the ways this organization is helping our community, please take a few minutes to visit their website.
Thank you for your generosity!

Dominican Republic’s Bateyes region
Donation Requests
All donations can be placed in the collection box in the Gathering Space
- B Complex (Children’s)
- Folic Acid (Children’s)
- Folic Acid tablets
- Ferrous Sulfate tablets
- Vitamin C (Chewable)
- Rehydration tablets, drinks, or salts
- Ibuprofen (80mg)
- Ibuprofen – Children’s 100mg)
- Omeprazol (40mg)
- Tylenol (Children’s)
- Expectorant
- Expectorant (Children’s)
- Robitussin (or Generic)
- Cetrizine (Zyrtec Allergy – 5mg)
- Cold/Flu (Liquid-Children)
- Cold Tablets
- Cold Medicine (Liquid-Adult)

Holy Trinity and Bad Weather
If Webster Central Schools are closed during the week due to bad weather, Holy Trinity will be closed as well. This will include daily Mass, the offices and any other scheduled activities at our campus.
Please watch for the school closings on News Channel 13. Specific information about Holy Trinity can be found at wnyt.com/closings/

Photo Display
Come and see the new exhibit of Holy Trinity pic- tures in the glass display case outside the parish office. You will see pictures of the five priests who were military chaplains before they served at Holy Trinity. Read about Fr. Elmer Heindl (pictured above) who became one of the most highly decorated chaplains in WWII. See a picture from Fr. Tim’s ordination and see a recently donated picture of the front of church taken around 1901. Plus, many more pictures from our past. We hope these pictures bring back happy memories of our past.

Martha Committee Help Needed!
Martha Committee hosts luncheons for families and friends after funerals at Holy Trinity. If you are interested in joining this ministry either by preparing a dish, serving, or making phone calls, please contact Jeanneann LaMonica at 585-520-1386. If you are currently a member of the committee and have recently moved, please contact Jeanneann to update your new address and phone number. Thank you.

Seeking Substitute Catechists
for Sunday Program
Have you ever thought about volunteering as a catechist at Holy Trinity?
Now would be a great time to try it out! We are in need of substitute catechists to fill in when our regular catechists are out. You would be given all materials and lesson plans. Our program is for 1st – 6th graders and is held Sundays between Masses (9:30 am – 10:30 am).
If you are able to help, please reach out to Terry Onate: tonate@rochester.rr.com or (585) 261-3271

What is a Jubilee Year?
Jubilees ordinarily take place every twenty-five years. A Jubilee is a special time encouraging renewed holiness through acts of forgiveness, reconciliation, mercy and pilgrimage. This year’s Jubilee theme is “Pilgrims of Hope.”
The faithful can obtain the Jubilee indulgence. You are invited to explore the Diocese of Rochester’s Jubilee webpage to learn more about how to obtain the Plenary Indulgence and the other aspects of the Jubilee year.

Journey Through the Bible
Come and join us as we study the mass readings for the following weekend. The presented Dr. Brant Pitre videos provide an in depth explanation of the Gospel readings, connecting them with the Old Testament reading and Responsorial Psalm. After the video, we will share a dessert and discuss the readings in a small group. Having offered this study last year, we have found that many people have enjoyed a better understanding of the Bible and the teachings of the Church.
Evening Bible Study March 26 at 6:30 pm
Morning Bible Study March 27 at 9:30 am
Peace and Unity Room
For more information contact Will and Linda Trout at (315) 333-1098.

Pilgrimage to Medjugorje
May 22-31, 2025
Fr. Jorge and Dcn. Leo
Learn More

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults
The faith journey called OCIA has begun but it is not too late to join us! We meet at noon in the Marian Room (on the church’s lower level). Contact Mary Kramer at mary.kramer@dor.org or (585) 265-1616, ext. 306 for more information.

Confessions available on Tuesdays and Saturdays
Saturday: 3:00-4:00 pm
Beginning October 1st
Tuesdays: 4:30-5:30 pm
Come and experience the healing power of the Sacrament of Penance.

¡Ese no es Fr. Jorge, es un impostor!
Several parishioners have received text messages or emails from what looks like Fr. George. These messages are asking for “a favor” or “assistance” or may even start with a direct request for some type of gift cards.
If you are unsure about any communication you receive from Father George or another staff member, especially if it is asking for money, please contact the office directly at (585) 265-1616.
Legitimate messages from someone on staff will be from an email address ending with @dor.org. Other characteristics of scam emails are unusual punctuation and no subject or signature line.

Eucharistic Adoration
Thursdays 3-4 pm | Third Thursdays 3-8 pm
Come. Experience this powerful moment of personal prayer.

Communion: Mass
If you know of someone who needs to receive the Most Precious Body and Blood of Jesus, and is unable to come forward during communion time, please contact an usher upon your arrival at Mass. We will alert a Eucharistic Minister so they will be able to administer the special sacrament.

Creating a Safe Environment Education for Volunteers
All volunteers who work with children, youth or vulnerable adults must participate in Creating a Safe Environment (C.A.S.E.) Training before they begin their ministry, and must renew their CASE certification every 3 years. We offer in-person C.A.S.E. Training every month at Holy Trinity.
If you volunteer in any capacity in our parish or related ministries and you are not sure if you need to take this course, or if you need to register for an upcoming training session, contact our Safe Environment Coordinator, Mary Kramer, at (585) 265-1616 ext. 306 | More Information
Gentle Reminders

For your safety, if you see on TV that Webster Central Schools are closed due to inclement weather, our weekday Masses will be cancelled.
This also affects all evening ministries and activities as well. The Church and our Campus will NOT BE OPEN, thus plowing of our parking lots may not be done.

Parking in Front of Mailboxes
Please be mindful of where you park for mass, weddings, and funerals. We have plenty of parking available, and we are requesting that you do not park along the side of the road. Our neighbors on Ridge Road have had problems receiving their mail because of cars parked in front of their mailbox. The Post Office will not deliver mail if another vehicle is parked in front of the mailbox.
So, please be considerate and park in the designated areas on Holy Trinity property.

Crossing Walk: South Parking Lot
This is a reminder that the crossing walk from the South Parking lot to the front of church is NOT a regular crossing walk and drivers are not required to stop and let someone cross. It is your responsibility to be very careful in crossing the street, especially when it is dark and rainy.
We have signs which let drivers know that there is a cross walk, but it is up to the pedestrian to make sure it is safe to cross.
Our efforts to make sure everyone arrives and leaves safely is our utmost priority.

Handicapped Parking Areas: Sunday
If you are dropping off or picking up faith formation children, or coming to Mass, please do not block the circle driveway in the rear of church and please do not park in the handicapped parking areas.
Our parishioners and visitors who are in need of these spaces are not being able to use them. You may park in the lower parking lot and walk in with your children and wait while they are in class, either before or after you attend Mass. Please be considerate of others.

If any of you are heading to warmer climates for the winter, please contact the Parish Office @265-1616, so that we may stop and restart you envelopes while you are gone and when you return. The postage is $.71 for a return of the envelopes, and it does get costly.
Thank you for your cooperation.

During these frightful and uncertain days we would like you to consider continuing your weekly or monthly offertory. If you are giving online, we are most grateful for your support; if you are using envelopes you may still mail them in, or slip them under the door of the Parish Office. With God’s mercy and prayer we will be humble and thankful for all we have.

Communion Song
Many of you have requested the song that is sung while our sacramental ministers are receiving communion.
Here are the words to “The Holy One is Here”
Be still for the presence of the Lord; the Holy One is here.
Come bow before Him now with reverence and fear.
In Him no sin is found,
We stand on holy ground,
Be still for the presence of the Lord; the Holy One is here.