Wedding Preparation

Wedding Preparation

Preparing to celebrate the sacrament of marriage at Holy Trinity Church

Marriage preparation is an important part of planning a wedding, and we’re here to help you do that. The first important step is contacting the church office at least six months prior to your planned wedding date before finalizing any other plans pertaining to that day. From that initial phone call to the church office, the following will be scheduled:

  • Meet with Father Jorge Ramírez: Once you’ve contacted the church office, you will be scheduled to meet with Father Ramírez for a preliminary meeting. This is a ‘get to know you’ meeting which will familiarize you with the steps leading up to your wedding day. Father will have you complete a marriage information form, which will ask for contact information. You will also be asked to provide your baptismal information. If you have your baptismal certificate, please bring that with you to this meeting.
  • Complete Fully Engaged: After that initial meeting, you will be contacted by the marriage preparation coordinator, Noelle D’Amico, and she will work with you to schedule a time for you both to complete your Fully Engaged inventory. Fully Engaged is an inventory that you will take separately in one session, and the results will be discussed with you in another session. The Fully Engaged process helps you as a couple get a complete picture of your relationship and helps you build on that knowledge for the future. Once you’ve completed Fully Engaged and discussed the results with the Pre-Cana coordinator, those results will be forwarded on to Father Jorge for his review.
  • Schedule your Pre-Cana session: Holy Trinity offers a Pre-Cana session once a year on a Saturday, most often in the January/February time frame. It’s a daylong session and includes presentations from the Pre-Cana team and Father Jorge. It also includes lunch, mass and a full dinner after mass. Should the date offered at Holy Trinity Church not be one that you both can attend, you can visit the diocesan website at for other Pre-Cana sessions being offered by other churches in our diocese.

After the above steps are completed, you will meet with Father Jorge again for more discussion and to plan your wedding day.

For further information or questions regarding being married at Holy Trinity, contact the church office at (585) 265-1616 or Noelle D’Amico, our Pre-Cana/Marriage Preparation Coordinator at (585) 315-1830 or at