Altar Care
Altar Care volunteers maintain the general care and cleaning of the altar, sacristy, and reconciliation room on a once a month rotation.
Mary Ann Penlon Spinelli at (585) 265-9395
Altar Servers
Altar Servers are youths in grades 4 to 12 of both public and parochial schools who are invited to become altar servers with training offered in the fall.
Pat Bell at (585) 265-4750 or
Church Decorating
Church Decorating volunteers are needed to help with seasonal placement of sanctuary decorations for Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Ordinary Time.
Mary Smith (585) 872-5258 or
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist serve the Most Precious Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ during Holy Communion at Mass, and assist with the Tabernacle. Training will be provided. New schedules are available in the sacristy after mass.
Jackson Thomas (585) 671-8949 or
Flower Care
Flower Care volunteers maintain the flowers on the altar and around the church during the week
Carolyn Knight at (585) 643-4030
Hospitality Greeters
Hospitality Greeters welcome parishioners as they enter the church prior to Mass.
Mary Kramer at (585) 265-1616 ext. 306 or
Lectors proclaim God’s word during the Liturgy of the Word at Mass. A workbook is issued to each Lector for practice of the reading from scripture. There are no meetings for this ministry. Special training is provided to ensure proper proclamation of the word.
Jackson Thomas (585) 671-8949 or
Liturgical Greeters
Liturgical Greeters welcome the congregation at the beginning of Mass and announce the opening hymn. Later in the liturgy, we read the intercessions for the Prayer of the Faithful.
Jackson Thomas (585) 671-8949 or
Liturgy Committee
Liturgy Committee meets periodically to plan all aspects of the liturgy for each of the liturgical seasons. Music, environment, and special needs for Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Greeters, and Lectors are the primary elements organized in preparation for Advent, Ordinary Time, and Easter, plus the special Feasts, Solemnities, and Holy Days of our Catholic Calendar. This is an ideal ministry for those who love the liturgy and want to help make it a prayerful experience.
Barbara Aldrich (585) 872-3367
Sacristans work quietly behind the scenes, usually in the sacristy, to prepare for the celebration of Mass and also to clean after Mass. This preparation involves refilling ciboria and patens with unconsecrated hosts, decanting wine into cups, preparing the gifts for the Offertory, and organizing the ritual for the Celebrant’s washing of the hands. Cleaning after Mass also involves washing the holy vessels. This is a detailed ministry and requires explanation and training for various needs.
Jackson Thomas (585) 671-8949 or
Ushers welcome and ensure that everything runs smoothly before and during Mass. They assist with seating and special needs, guide the congregation to communion, count attendance, and secure the offertory collection.
Gary Smith (585) 265-2702 or
The video ministry is a “behind the scenes” role that helps us reach over 1000 viewers in their homes each week! Training is easy. You will quickly become acclimated to our system. We are looking for help at the 4:30 pm and 8:30 am weekend Masses, weekday Masses, funerals and other special events as they occur.
Helen Sleeman at (585) 265-1616 or