Bereavement Ministry
Bereavement Ministry provides loving support by meeting with the bereaved family in order to plan the funeral liturgy, attend the wake, and lead a prayer service if requested. They help organize the funeral Mass, send sympathy cards, prepare a Mass of Loving Remembrance in November for those who have died during the year.
Jackson Thomas (585) 671-8949 or
Cemetery Committee
Cemetery Committee meets several times each year to resolve issues involving Holy Trinity Cemetery and to make decisions regarding its maintenance and long-term improvement. Cemetery News
Gary Smith, Director
Bereavement Support Meetings
Bereavement Support Meetings: In a small group setting we encourage listening, sharing, and guidance in hopes that our experiences will help each of us to lighten the grief of loss either recent or years ago. We also send sympathy cards to the family after the funeral. We meet every 2nd Tuesday of the month (except July and August) in the Wing Room at 2:00 pm.
Mary Ann Penlon Spinelli at (585) 265-9395.
Martha Committee
The Martha Committee hosts luncheons for families and friends after funerals at Holy Trinity. If you are interested in joining this ministry either by working or preparing a dish, please contact Jeanneann LaMonica @520-1386 or Cloe Albano @329-8117 or Mary Ann Sellitto @545-4068.
We also need some strong volunteers to help with the table and chair set up. For more information please contact Jeanneann @520-1386.