Liturgy and Worship
Altar Care | Altar Servers | Church Decorating | Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist | Flower Care | Hospitality Greeters | Lectors | Liturgical Greeters | Sacristans | Ushers | Videography

Prayer and Spirituality
Cursillo | Eucharistic Adoration | Knights of Columbus & Auxiliary | Legion of Mary | Men’s Spirituality and Enrichment Group | The Womens’ Faith Sharing Group

Pastoral Care
Corpus Christi Ministry | Dove Ministry | Maplewood Nursing Home and Services | St. Camillus Ministry

Bereavement Support | Cemetery Committee | Martha Committee | Bereavement Ministry

Faith Formation
Children’s Faith Formation | Sacramental Preparation | High School / Youth Program | Rite of Christian Initiation | ChristLife
As people of faith, we believe that all time, all talents and skills, all treasures – all things were created by God.
Our parish family warmly invites you to explore the various ministries supported by our parish.
As grateful people, we are thankful for all the blessings that God has showered upon us. We know that there is no better way to express our gratitude to Him than to share our time, talent, and our treasure with each other beginning here with our faith family.
Our faith family supports us from birth (our Baptism), feeds us and nurtures us throughout our life (Eucharist), and is there with us when we are commended back to Him at our earthly life’s end.
Along the way are endless opportunities for us to serve one another, opportunities that will become evident when you browse through the ministries listed here.
As you read this information, allow the Lord to open your heart to his call. Together with Jesus may you joyfully find a way to give back a portion of your time, your talents, and your treasure as you answer His call to, “Come, follow Me.”
If you need assistance or are interested in joining any of our Parish ministries please contact the Parish office.