Kids…Welcome to Holy Trinity

I want to express all my gratitude to Mrs. Tricia Kull (Mrs. K), all the volunteers, children and their families who participated in our Vacation Bible School (VBS) during these days. These were awesome days where our children learned more about God and the Church, and the importance to recognize the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Our children had a lot of fun where they prayed, played, and learned. I am very sure that you, parents, heard wonderful stories from your children about our 2024 VBS.

Even though VBS is now done, we need to continue to educate our children in faith and not wait until our religious program starts again this coming fall. Remember that is the responsibility to educate our children in faith because it is one of the effects of the sacrament of matrimony. According to Canon Law, “Parents have the most grave duty and the primary right to take care as best they can for the physical, social, cultural, moral, and religious education of their offspring” (Can. 1136). Therefore, parents should continue to teach all the Christian values to your children.

So, what to do? Well… start to pray with your children. Pray the Guardian Angel prayer before going to sleep, say grace before meals, pray as a family the Holy Rosary, come as a family to the Mass, teach your children the Christian prayers (The Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary, Glory Be To The Father…), read the Bible (there are children’s bibles with illustrations), and so on. There are many activities that you can also do with your children such us watch religious videos for children (if you type “Catholic videos for children” on YouTube, you can find wonderful videos and movies to watch as a family), catholic crafts for kids (, etc. If you still are not sure what to do with your children, you can ask Mrs. K. I am very sure that she will be happy to give some ideas. I am also available for you anytime.

I will continue to pray for you and your kids.
God bless you, and may the Blessed Virgin Mary be with you always!

Fr. Jorge Ramirez
