I’m told in older times there was a person charged with keeping the fire burning for the clan or village. If the fire went out, cold and darkness would set in making life even more dangerous. (Ever read Jack London’s To Build A Fire? It’s hard!)
So while the family slept, someone was appointed to slowly feed the burning embers so there would be fire for the next day.
In these days of social distancing and live-steamed Sunday masses, it seems to me there’s a danger of the fire of Faith growing cold. It’s not that we want it to. We love God and try to do what’s right . . . but it just happens. It’s easier to not do something. And not doing it . . . becomes a habit. (“Let’s see, should we get dressed and leave early tomorrow to be at mass on time? Or . . . should we sleep in and watch mass on TV. I’ll do the bacon and eggs.”)
With mass and communion now virtual for many, other things can fall away as well. Morning and evening prayer, weekday visits to the church for prayer, rosary?, but most importantly, a daily turning to God as the source of our life. Again . . . I want to stress, it’s not our intention to let go of God. It’s rather an “out of sight, out of mind” sort of thing.
So what can I do to keep the “flame of Faith alive”? Here’s some suggestions.
- Say your prayers in the morning. Google – – Catholic Prayers. Copy two or three you like best. Add your own thoughts and intentions. Get a routine.
- Keep up with live-streamed masses or religious programming when you are able.
- Learn the ancient practice of the “Angelus” at 6 am, noon, and 6 pm.
- Stop by during the week to visit Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Holy Trinity is open all day. (Bring the children and grandchildren. They find it exciting to be with you on this “spiritual moment with God”. Let them light a candle.)
- Come to mass when you can. We are doing a good job of sanitizing the pews and keeping social distance.
- Please know that staying home is perfectly acceptable. Pray for the time when we can all be together.
- Read some spiritual book or examine some aspect of faith that has interested you. (next week I’ll include some books that have nourished my faith and you can write me with your favorites).
- Create a “Prayer Space” in your home. Choose a place away from traffic with a door you can close. Assure the family that no one is to knock when the door is closed. Make it nice. A comfortable chair and table with crucifix, candle or flower on it. Add a bible or some prayer cards.
- Say a brief prayer before bed. Whatever comes to your heart.
- Been to confession lately? Saturday 3:30 to 4:15 pm.

These are all things that can help keep God “on your radar”. Think of them as signs to God of your love and need for Him. However . . . and this is important . . . the Holy Spirit will come to you with thoughts and words and impulses that will show you God’s path. “It was not you who chose me, but I have chosen you,” Jesus said (John 15:16). But, we must do our part so that the fire of faith does not go dim.
With love,
Fr. Tim