Thank you to all campers, volunteers, families, parishioners, and staff who helped make our 2024 VBS ~ God is Good!! A blessed experience for everyone!!

Our gymnasium was transformed into a beautiful garden last week with walls featuring murals of several Bible stories as we enjoyed discovering that WHERE GOD GUIDES…HE PROVIDES! Our days were full of fun and faith as we created Rainbow Art to learn God’s Promises, God’s Blessing Spy Bottles to help remember all that we are thankful for, played Moses Croquet in the Wilderness collecting Manna, made Stained Glass with our Blessed Mother, challenged ourselves with an Obstacle Course learning how we can Trust God in All Things, and created a beautiful Monstrance as we discovered the peace of spending quiet time with Jesus in Adoration.

A special word of thanks to all those who gave their time and talents before and during VBS…we have an AMAZING team of adult and youth volunteers who brought this year’s VBS to life. And we thank our entire parish family for the generosity with donating materials for our activities, enthusiastically responding to our Wish List needs, and for being a Church who believes in the importance of loving and educating our children in faith. We are blessed to be a part of such a community.

Thank you to all who donated to our VBS “Military Care Packages” to help fill the loving packages to be sent by the Rochester Chapter of Blue Star Mothers of America to our deployed men and women in our US Military overseas.
