Feral Dogs.

The thought came to me this week hearing St. Paul’s exhortation, “We no longer live for ourselves. While we live we are the Lord’s and when we die we are the Lord’s. Whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.” (Romans 14:8).

See what you think of this.

We seem to have developed a renewed love and fascination for dogs over the past few years. Certainly you’ve seen the television ads where the family dog sits with everybody on the couch watching TV. Or the adorable puppy that cuddles with its owner and plays with the children on the carpet. Our hearts are touched.

But did you know that millions of dogs run wild in this world? They gather in packs to raid livestock and threaten humans when approached. They’re called “feral” or wild dogs. There are no rules in their pack – – food and breeding are what drives a feral dog. You wouldn’t want one on your couch.

What makes them wild? They lack a master. Someone to teach them to live with humans. Someone to demand certain behaviors that make them loving pets for owner and children. And when trained, they experience a dogs life that is the envy of any wild dog.

Got the picture?

It’s a bit of a stretch I know, but the same thing applies to us humans. St. Paul says we have a master. It is the Lord. We were created by God unlike any other creature. We weren’t made to sit on His lap, or lick His face; no, ours is a far greater privilege – – we were made to be God’s children. To live in His Kingdom. To love and be loved as persons. Through Christ’s humanity we now actually share in God’s divinity.

But here’s the rub. We need a Master. Someone who knows more about us than we do. Someone who sets the rules for our well-being. Someone who becomes a rule for our life. Without that we become feral.

Many will say, “We have our science and technology to improve our life. We have our reason to solve problems. We have the rule of law to govern us. We are our own master.” Yes, but WHO created us with these powers? And is there no one to whom we are responsible for how we use them?

Our brilliance learned to split the atom. Yes, and now there is a source of unlimited power. But this same knowledge enabled us to make the atom bomb. Human genius invented the internet (Yay!) but now we have those dark places that are only two clicks away. Oh dear. We have unlocked the human genome and now we have the power to clone human life. Who is our master? No one. We become “intelligent animals”. Feral humans.

Please don’t think I disparage the amazing advancement science and civilization have made in human history. (Psalm 8 says it so beautifully; “What are humans that you care for them. . . . Yet, you have made them little less that a god. You have given them rule over the works of your hands. Put all things under their feet.” Psalms 8:5)

This is all great news about us humans – – – so long as we recognize God as our Master. And what kind of Master is our God? Some stern and joyless King? Some faceless power that set the laws of nature and now sits back to judge?

No. It is the Lord Jesus Christ. He died that we might know God’s love for us. And once we know the love of God…we can bend our knee and cry out. . . . “My Master!”

Bless you. Child of God.

Fr. Tim
