Faith formation is a form of evangelization in which the Church teaches, celebrates, and witnesses to the gospel message with the aim of conforming hearts and minds to Jesus. Faith formation primarily focuses on a continual deepening of our faith and is therefore a lifelong process. We are never done conforming our lives to Christ!

As we begin to plan for a new year of religious education in our parish, we recognize that the religious landscape has changed dramatically over the past two decades. Today’s faith formation must evolve for us to engage all ages and generations in this lifelong process of growing, experiencing, celebrating, and living the Christian faith throughout life. It is no longer a onesizefitsall model. At Holy Trinity, we have been re-imagining a more comprehensive vision that addresses the diversity of people’s spiritual and religious needs; that takes place in a variety of physical and virtual settings; that utilizes multiple formats and technologies for learning; that accesses the vast resources of religious content and experiences available today.
Currently, we are blessed to have over 35 adults and 60 youth actively serving our parish in various Faith Formation ministries at Holy Trinity! Together, we are bringing many wonderful opportunities to our children, youth, and families partnering with them as we engage and GROW in faith. From Children’s Liturgy of the Word to VBS Summer Camp; preparation for Sacraments to family programs and events for all ages; encouraging active participation in liturgical ministries to service projects and community outreach; engaging youth retreats and experiences where our relationship with Jesus is deepened as we help, serve, and love one another. And, of course, several Religious Education classes and programs designed to address a variety of different learning styles and the needs of today’s families. We are looking forward to GROWING these programs and more!
How can YOU help us GROW?
This fall, almost 300 children and young people, preschool through High School, will sign up to learn more about Jesus and the Catholic faith. To make sure that we can provide the many opportunities for Faith Formation that we do, it takes a village! You can help them learn and grow by becoming a catechist (teacher) for Faith Formation.
With many different classes and programs offered at a variety of times including Sunday mornings, Sunday afternoons, and weekday evenings, you are almost sure to find a time that fits your schedule. As you nurture the faith of our young, you will learn and grow as well. As one longtime catechist put it, “I learn so much from the children!” We provide you with training, materials, and support. As we begin to plan for our 2023/2024 Faith Formation year, we cannot continue to offer the many programs that we do without individuals willing to share their faith with our children and youth…like YOU! For more information, contact Tricia Kull at

you can help our younger children GROW (while you GROW too!!)
Are you a HIGH SCHOOL Student who enjoys working with children and youth? Do you love God? Would you like to learn more about your faith? Are you interested in finding a rewarding opportunity to serve others in your faith community?
God may be calling you…and so are we! We are looking for Youth Assistant Catechists and Classroom Helpers for a variety of age levels and programs. As a Youth Assistant Catechist, you are paired with an experienced adult Catechist to serve as your mentor and guide. If you would like to learn more about this special opportunity have your parents reach out to Tricia Kull (Mrs. K) for more information.

Faith Formation Registration
We are excited to open registration for many of our upcoming programs!

Vacation Bible School Registration
July 10-14, 2023
(Monday- Friday) 9:00 am – noon