Facebook. What’s That?

The Parish Council has decided it will address an issue that has been with us for years. How can we as a parish reach out to our fellow Catholics who, for whatever reason, decide not to be a part of our worship and parish life?

In the past we thought to research “Why” people choose not to come. Maybe there was some past hurt or grievance they felt from the church. We wanted to find out and try to reconcile with them.

We thought of a census that would knock on every door within our parish boundary. “Are there any Catholics living in this household?”, we would ask. If so, “are you aware of living within the Holy Trinity parish boundaries? Would you like to enroll in our parish OR perhaps just take this bulletin with the mass times on it?”

We could do a saturation mailing asking three brief questions: Catholic? Registered? Care to join us? We’ve considered all these “outreach efforts”. But to each one, for various reasons, we’ve decided “no” (at least for the time being).

But now there’s something new and easier, and we think more effective. This Sunday you heard Council member, Bob Feeney, tell us how each of us with a simple touch on our smartphones can send a message to friends and family who follow you on your Facebook page.

Without repeating what you’ll find on the flyer in this week’s bulletin, I’ll just say “You can be a Holy Trinity mail deliverer.” That’s right. Holy Trinity is going to fill our Facebook feed with some inspirational messages, some videos, and news about Holy Trinity.

All you have to do is view them and pick out the stuff you like and then hit “share” and the message will go out to all your friends on Facebook. Think of it . . . watching Fr. Tim and Fr. John tell how they became priests AND STAYED PRIESTS. OR, hear a mother of three tell how she gets the kids to mass on Sunday. There’s tons of timely messages we can send to your friends who never join us at Holy Trinity.

BUT WE NEED YOU! This effort is only as good as you and your efforts to get our message and then share it with friends. You can do this sitting on your couch at home. It’s that simple.

Don’t have a Facebook page? We’ll help you. Stop by the Welcome desk after mass these next few weeks. Read the instructions we’ve put on the flyer in the bulletin.

Be a missionary to your friends who don’t know the blessings flowing from our Catholic Faith here at Holy Trinity.

Last Sunday we had our first High School Sleep-In Sunday. Thirty-seven teens joined us for mass (done in a Youth Festival sort of way). We followed with food and then a Twitter start up for the high schoolers to go to their smart phones. (Teens: Check the bulletin this Sunday for instructions on how to get tweeted).

More events coming up. Stay tuned!

Fr. Tim

Visit the STAR Program page for detailed information.

Scripture Readings for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Jeremiah 31:7-9
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-6
Second Reading: Hebrews 5:1-6
Gospel: Mark 10:46-52

Scripture Readings for the 31st. Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Deuteronomy 6:2-6
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 18:2-3, 3-4, 47, 51
Second Reading: Hebrews 7:23-28
Gospel: Mark 12:28b-34
