The Legion of Mary is an association of Catholic women and men under the leadership of our Blessed Mother and the influence of the Holy Spirit. The Legion's work consists of the Spiritual and Corporal works of mercy, visits to the home bound, hospitals, and nursing homes, assistance at funerals, and any other assignment given […]
Journey Through Scripture A video presentation that will help answer questions that we, as Catholics, should be asking ourselves: Why and how should Catholics study the Bible? Why is the Mass key to understanding Scripture? Is Scripture the inspired Word of God? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in relation to Scripture? When: […]
Journey Through Scripture A video presentation that will help answer questions that we, as Catholics, should be asking ourselves: Why and how should Catholics study the Bible? Why is the Mass key to understanding Scripture? Is Scripture the inspired Word of God? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in relation to Scripture? When: […]