For six weeks of Lent the church wore purple. We sang songs of longing and repentance. We walked with Jesus through the days of his trial, crucifixion, and burial. Then . . . we celebrated His glorious Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
But one day is not enough to celebrate. The Easter season goes for seven weeks (!) leading up to the Feast of Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit. During this time the Church encourages us to “have fun!” That’s right, we should be doing things that bring joy to ourselves and others.
Sometimes that may conflict with our feelings about “Church”. For many of us church is a place to kneel and tell God we’re sorry for our sins. We ask God to help us with problems and to watch over loved ones. This is good.
But Jesus tells us that he has come “that your joy may be full.” John 15:11. The joy he speaks of comes with living right lives and a part of that is to celebrate. A less spiritual way of looking at “celebration” (but a necessary element too) is to . . . . have fun!
Here are some Easter celebration ideas that may get you thinking for you and your family.
- Have you seen the “Beyond Van Gogh” experience at the Dome Arena? I’ve been twice!! It is wonderful. Van Gogh’s life and painting is displayed in a breathtaking Experience Room. (Sorry to get this to you so late. It ends this Sunday!)
- See a really good movie. Something that speaks to young and old; something that makes you laugh and cry. Seen it before? See it again.
- Food. Glorious food! Have some. Make some. Share some. Throw an Easter dinner.
- Concerts. Music is medicine for the soul.
- Nature. Take a walk. Breath in the air. Life . . . you can smell it!
- Travel somewhere. Create a memory for you and the children/grandchildren.
- Lake Ontario. What a gift it is.
- Take a ride through apple country when the blossoms are out.
- Lilac Festival. Been a while? Go. Get out of Webster. Meet God’s people.
- Buy something for yourself. Something pretty. Some- thing that smells good.
- Anybody you care for who you haven’t talked with lately? Call them. Write them.
- Visit a friend’s grave. Tell them you’re doing ok. Pray for them.
- Come sit in church all by yourself. Talk to God. He’s been waiting for you.
You’ll think of your own Easter Fun. The important thing to remember is why you’re doing it. You’re celebrating the wonderful gift God has given us in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The gift of Eternal Life, the gift of a path to follow that brings Hope.
So when the concert begins, or the curtain goes up, or the oven signals “dinner ready”, or you’re in your car heading for adventure . . . . say a little prayer. “Lord, the joy that awaits, is part of my thanks to you for loving me in Jesus Christ.
Happy Easter. Let the fun begin.
Fr. Tim