It’s strange. Something that gives me comfort in the midst of our current world and national turmoil is the realization that some things are just out of my control. I’m not off the hook by any means. I must do my part. But how this all turns out – – – that’s in God’s hands.
So what are those issues that cause you to wonder just where this world is headed? What keeps you up at night worrying about the future your child or grandchild will experience?
I’ll bet it’s one of these:
- The possible impeachment of our president . . . and the radical polarization of the American people to- ward each other.
- The critical issue of foreign interference in our elections past and future.
- The serious instability of Mid-East nations – Syria, Iran, Ukraine.
- The nearly 3 million refugees currently seeking safety from corruption, war and hopeless poverty.
- Our broken immigration policy at the Southern Border and the haunting vision of parents and children being separated.
- The growing breach between rich and poor. (3% of the world’s population holds 85% of the world’s wealth.)
- Can we add . . . the Opioid Crisis, the Catholic Clergy Abuse Scandal? . . . and just for fun let’s throw in Global Climate Change.
Each one of these problems taunt us with their seeming insolvability. So what are we to do? Is there some foothold that stops this downward spiral? Has God abandoned us?
No. He has not abandoned us. And yes, He gave us foothold, (actually a rock!) against which “the jaws of death will not prevail.” Mt. 16:18. It is the rock of Jesus Christ and His Gospel.
And what does this gospel say about all our troubles? Several things. First we ought not be surprised by the problems of life and human history. Jesus tells us, “In the world you will have trouble. But take courage. I have overcome the world.” Jn. 16:33.
That’s it in a nutshell really. God’s plan for the world has already been secured. He has overcome the world by Christ’s death and Resurrection.
There is no power on earth that can overcome the will of God to save the human race. Period.
The future (though there will be suffering along the way) has been won. Think of it. All the forces of darkness and sin gathered in one horrible day, and killed the King of Love. In fact the enemy of Christ is still at work in the world (see the list above). But it’s a losing battle . . . the love of God is the supreme and final reality. Death is overcome by a Love that is God Eternal.
However . . . the story (with its victorious ending) isn’t over. It needs you and me to do our duty. The final end of history will not happen without our imperfect cooperation. God wants us to share in the story He’s already completed! “Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.” Mt. 6:33, 34.
This is a real act of Faith, isn’t it? (We don’t have the slightest notion of how this will turn out – only that God’s plan wins.) To trust in a victory that’s already happened; but one I cannot yet see. This Faith brings about the second great virtue – – Hope. (Read the beautiful passage of St. Paul in Romans 8:18-25), “And so we boast of the hope we have of sharing God’s glory . . . and this hope does not disappoint (in spite of life’s sorrows) for God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, who is God’s gift to us.” Romans 5:5.
We never give up hope. Never! Why? Because Christ has won the victory. Human history will complete itself in God’s good time. And when it does, you, who have longed for its coming, you battle scarred and wounded faithful, you will shout for joy.
Let us each do our part.
Fr. Tim