Christmas Flowers

Christmas Flowers

We thank the following people for their donations to the Holy Trinity Christmas Flower Fund. Your contributions have made our church more beautiful this Christmas season.

In Loving Memory of
  • Father Tim Horan
  • Clarence Hepburn, III, req. by Bea Hepburn
  • Peter Mix, Laura Mix and Paula Mix Spanganberg
  • Schreiber, Hutteman, Stein and Miller families, req. by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schreiber
  • Mary and Frank Curatalo, John and Frances Sirianni, req. by Mr. and Mrs. Don Sirianni
  • Theresa Spinelli and Bruce Penlon, req. by MaryAnn and Frank Spinelli
  • Smith and Schultz families, req. by Pam and Denny and family
  • Marie Fantauzzo, Robert Fernaays, and Wayne Crouse, req. by family
  • Mary, George and John Freundschuh, req. by Bill and Chrissy Freundschuh
  • Mary and Louis Spagnuolo, Catherine and Edward Wilkonski, req. by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilkonski
  • Mr. and Mrs. Donald Anderson and Michael Gaglio, req. by Pat Gaglio
  • Terrigino and Graniero families, req. by Mr. and Mrs. Steven Terrigino
  • Driscoll and Kehrig families, req. by John and Mary Ellen Kehrig
  • Len and Molly Szumiloski, req. by son, Dave Szumiloski
  • Ralph and Grace Marianetti, Virginia Fern, req. by children, grandchildren and Marianetti family
  • Perrin family, req. by Mr. and Mrs. John Dunlap
  • Marjorie and Henry Albert, Leola and Chanel LaPlante, req. by Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Albert
  • Lum and Reiland families, req. by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lum
  • Marjorie Wohlabaugh, req. by Art Wohlabaugh
  • Carla and Tony Simeone, Johanna Viggiani, Eleanor and Ralph Williamson, req. by Mr. and Mrs. Steve Viggiani
  • Lois and Bill Hough, req. by Jean Hough
  • Catherine and Merle Hurley, Louis Maltzahn, Elizabeth Whitcomb, Richard Bauriedl, req. by Dolores Maltzahn
  • Lisa LaMonica Wilson, req. by Mr. and Mrs. James LaMonica
  • Leo Hwiecko, req. by Helen Hwiecko
  • Mackey family, req. by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mackey
  • Catherine and Denis Rinkacs, Margaret and Dan Barry, req. by Mr. and Mrs. Denis Rinkacs
  • Sally Coccia, req. by Donna Coccia
  • Donald Timkey, req. by JoAnn Timkey
  • Alma Thomann, Dorothy Streb, req. by Gary Thomann
  • Albert, Mary and Louis Rago, Elaine Rago
  • Kastan, Bianconi, Paino, Marks (parents and grandparents), aunts and uncles, req. by Mr.and Mrs. Mark Kastan
  • Pieter and Knelsie Nonkes, Charles and Kathleen Nagel, req. by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nonkes
  • Matthew Leonardo, req. by Chris, Carrie, Catherine and Marcie
  • Thomas Sillence, Miller family, req. by Marilyn Sillence
  • James and Xe Gibbs, Charles and Kathleen Nagel, req. by Dr. and Mrs. John Gibbs
  • Manuelita, Manuela, Natividad and Jose Alicea, req. by Frances Salgado-Givens
  • Girvin, Salmon, Lambert and Jones families, req. by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Girvin
  • Charles Forstbauer, req. by Jean and Mary Forstbauer
  • Klee and Ruisi families, req. by Jim and Mary Klee
  • Stewart and Veronica Coon, Paul and Marie Zachmann, req. by Mr. and Mrs. James Coon
  • Stanley and Lottie Wieczorek, James and Winifred Reidy
  • Keiffer and Smith families, req. by Bob and Marge Keiffer
  • Eleanore Willink, Ed Winslow, req. by Amy Winslow
  • Stanley and Pat Haber, David and Sandy Gilfoy, req. by Mr. and Mrs. David Gilfoy
  • Camiel and Gertrude DeBree, req. by Mrs. Milton Mason
  • Daniel Flaherty, Edward and Viola Ogden, req. by Patricia Flaherty
  • Bill Hickey, Tom and MaryEllen Harrison, req. by Phyllis Hickey
  • Robert Wilson, req. by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson
  • Gene Kemp, Kemp family, John and Mary Adams, Michael and Helen Donnelly, Ed and Barbara Ferguson, req. by Mrs. Mary Kemp
  • Heintz and Atkinson families, req. by Chris and Bill Atkinson
  • Martin and Adolphine Schreiner, Shirley, Earl and Kathryn Dorn, Roman, Dorothy, Don and Paul Hosenfeld, Harry, Susan, Gary and Kevin, req. by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carpenter
  • William Pawluckie, Anthony Cerasoli, Bill and Stella Dorrance, Stanley and Violet Janek, req. by Carol Cerasoli
  • Joe and Eleanor Maier, req. by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maier
  • Darice Alward, Richard Alward, Pat Casey, req. by Robert Alward
  • Theresa Meyer, req. by Christine Diegert
  • Leonello Casilio, Gina and Antonio Presutti, Sabatino Agnitti, req. by Connie Casilio
  • Schmidt and Moisan families, req. by William Schmidt
  • Driscoll and Kehrig families, req. by John and MaryEllen Kehrig
  • Ronald Carafice, req. by the Maier family
  • Antonio and Pat Micali, req. by Mrs. Antonio Micali
  • Dante Mastrosimone, req. by Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Mastrosimone
  • Father Tim Horan, req. by Roman and Alicja Reimann
  • Finch, McAllister and Laubscher families, req. by Kathy Laubscher
  • Sue Busse, req. by Mr. Mrs. Gerald Staub
  • Jack and Buddy Cleary, req. by daughter, Maggie Mooney and family
  • Departed family, req. by MaryJo Polatas
  • Hutteman and Hurysz families, req. by MaryJane Hutteman
  • Schroeder and McMorrow families, req. by Carolyn Schroeder
  • Allan and Peter Schichtel families and Fran and Basilla Fullone, req. by Rose Schichtel
  • Traverse family, req. by Annie Drollette
  • Oliver and Stephen Krenzer, req. by Darlene Krenzer
  • Jason Grizzanto, req. by mom and dad and family
  • Deceased family and friends, req. by Robert and Lois Didas
  • Siedlarczyk, Kondis and Geisbrecht families
Special Intentions:
  • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schillaci
  • Mrs. Sheila Lucey
  • Peter and Kelly Wing
  • Mrs. Mary Smith
  • Edward Hasenauer
  • Carol Thompson
  • Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lisi
  • Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Costanza
  • John Schreiber
  • Cindy McCaffery
  • Maureen DiPoala
  • David Stein
  • Mr. and Mrs. Loren Siebert
  • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bull
  • Mrs. Maria Rosenbauer
  • Mr. and Mrs. Leon Pritchard
  • Mr. and Mrs. Lou Bamonti
  • Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Vaquera
  • Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Luqueno
  • Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Long
  • Mr. and Mrs. Steven Enes
  • Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Tomporowski
  • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boris Anonymous doner