Christmas Flowers
We thank the following people for their donations to the Holy Trinity Christmas Flower Fund. Your contributions have made our church more beautiful this Christmas season.
In Loving Memory of
- Father Tim Horan
- Clarence Hepburn, III, req. by Bea Hepburn
- Peter Mix, Laura Mix and Paula Mix Spanganberg
- Schreiber, Hutteman, Stein and Miller families, req. by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schreiber
- Mary and Frank Curatalo, John and Frances Sirianni, req. by Mr. and Mrs. Don Sirianni
- Theresa Spinelli and Bruce Penlon, req. by MaryAnn and Frank Spinelli
- Smith and Schultz families, req. by Pam and Denny and family
- Marie Fantauzzo, Robert Fernaays, and Wayne Crouse, req. by family
- Mary, George and John Freundschuh, req. by Bill and Chrissy Freundschuh
- Mary and Louis Spagnuolo, Catherine and Edward Wilkonski, req. by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilkonski Mr. and Mrs. Donald Anderson and Michael Gaglio, req. by Pat Gaglio
- Terrigino and Graniero families, req. by Mr. and Mrs. Steven Terrigino
- Driscoll and Kehrig families, req. by John and Mary Ellen Kehrig
- Len and Molly Szumiloski, req. by son, Dave Szumiloski
Special Intentions:
- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schillaci
- Mrs. Sheila Lucey
- Peter and Kelly Wing
- Mrs. Mary Smith