First Sacrament Preparation | Confirmation | Sunday Program | Family Program | NCYC | Good News

First Sacrament Preparation
Students in Grade 2 and above may register to begin their First Sacrament Preparation if they have completed at least one full year of Faith Formation either in a parish or in a Catholic School and are currently enrolled in their second year of Faith Formation.
First Sacrament Preparation Registration

Confirmation Preparation ( I & II)
As the third and final Sacrament of Initiation into the church, the Sacrament of Confirmation can be seen as an interior movement that effects a more mature and active participation in the life of the faith community.
Confirmation Registration
Register by downloading the pdf form above
or by filling out our online Google Form
We offer a variety of Faith Formation (Religious Education) options for your family. All programs are designed to invite you and your child to find God every day in relevant and relatable ways. In addition, parish-wide “Family Events” are offered throughout the year to encourage participation in our parish community, foster service to others, help us learn about the liturgy, and engage deeper in our relationship with Christ as we grow in our faith.

(Grades 1-7)
A traditional classroom setting with a catechist (teacher) for each grade level that meets on Sundays between our two Masses for your convenience from 9:30am until 10:20am.

(Grades K-7)
Once each month all families will come together for a monthly Family Gathering to introduce that month’s Faith Topic in a fun and interactive way for the entire family.
Faith Formation Registration 2024/2025
Register by downloading the pdf form above
or by filling out our online Google Form

The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) will take place on November 20-22, 2025 in Indianapolis and Holy Trinity is going!
Let’s get excited!!
NCYC is an amazingly unique opportunity designed specifically for high school students. Join us in Indianapolis, Indiana for a three-day diverse exploration of your faith!
- WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? 9th – 12th graders during the 2025-2026 school year
- WHEN IS NCYC? Thursday – Saturday, November 20-22, 2025
- WHERE IS NCYC? Lucas Oil Stadium and the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, Indiana
- HOW ARE WE GETTING THERE? We will go by chartered bus all together with the entire Diocese of Rochester!
- HOW DO I SIGN UP? Have your parent email Miss Michelle for more information or to register!
What is NCYC?
The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) is a powerfully unique three–day experience of prayer, community, evangelization, catechesis, service, and empowerment for Catholic teenagers (of high school age) and their adult chaperones.
NCYC is the premiere Catholic youth event on a national scale that gathers people from all across America for a life–changing encounter with Christ.
We cannot wait to share the exciting details with you! If you are interested in learning more, reach out to Miss Michelle at Michelle.Schultheis@dor.org or (585)265-1616 x328.
Youth Service Opportunities
Jesus calls us to serve others!
‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’
Matthew 25:40
All Middle and High School Faith Formation and Confirmation students are expected to complete a few hours of Christian Service as part of their faith curriculum.
There are many opportunities for youth to get involved, not only here with Holy Trinity, but also in your community. Ideas are included each month in our monthly Faith Formation newsletter, The Good News. Outside of our parish, students can do many different things to serve others such as simply helping a neighbor who could use assistance with raking leaves or shoveling a sidewalk! Volunteering at the public library, the local nursing home, the hospital, or the animal shelter are other great ways to give back to your community. Ever think about volunteering at your school? There are always new activities and fundraisers happening as well as great service organizations such as Best Buddies, Key Club, or Builders Club. Check out your PTA or school’s website for more information.
As you are serving others, consider not only how you may be affecting the person or group you are helping, but also how this experience affects YOU! Be sure to complete a Christian Service Hours form and submit it to your classroom catechist or directly to Mrs. K!
Here are some ideas to help in our parish (times and dates vary each month; commit to one or several based on your schedule; email Mrs. K to learn more):
- Youth Assistant for Faith Formation Family Program (help lead small group activities, as well as set up and tear down)
- Children’s Liturgy of the Word Assistant (10:30am Sunday Mass; commit only to those Sundays that fit your schedule.)
- First Sacrament Preparation Youth Assistant (help lead small group activities, as well as set up and tear down)
- Special Family Events occur each month (assistance needed in a variety of ways, as well as set up and tear down)
- Youth in Mass Ministry…you are invited to join our liturgical ministries to serve as an Altar Server, Liturgical Greeter and/or Lector in our Mass celebrations.
The blue CHILDREN’S ENVELOPES are now available at the Welcome Desk and in front of the Faith Formation office for those children who would like their own.
Vacation Bible School – GOD is GOOD

Thank you to all campers, volunteers, families, parishioners, and staff who helped make our 2024 VBS ~ God is Good!! A blessed experience for everyone!!
Our gymnasium was transformed into a beautiful garden last week with walls featuring murals of several Bible stories as we enjoyed discovering that WHERE GOD GUIDES…HE PROVIDES! Our days were full of fun and faith as we created Rainbow Art to learn God’s Promises, God’s Blessing Spy Bottles to help remember all that we are thankful for, played Moses Croquet in the Wilderness collecting Manna, made Stained Glass with our Blessed Mother, challenged ourselves with an Obstacle Course learning how we can Trust God in All Things, and created a beautiful Monstrance as we discovered the peace of spending quiet time with Jesus in Adoration.
A special word of thanks to all those who gave their time and talents before and during VBS…we have an AMAZING team of adult and youth volunteers who brought this year’s VBS to life. And we thank our entire parish family for the generosity with donating materials for our activities, enthusiastically responding to our Wish List needs, and for being a Church who believes in the importance of loving and educating our children in faith. We are blessed to be a part of such a community.
Thank you to all who donated to our VBS “Military Care Packages” to help fill the loving packages to be sent by the Rochester Chapter of Blue Star Mothers of America to our deployed men and women in our US Military overseas.