Are You a Searcher?

Sometimes “religion” and believing in God can have a rather spotty start up. Or maybe there was little religion taught when you were young. Each person is left on their own to formulating their own philosophy of life. So where does one go to have a discussion about God and the purpose of life? It’s not something you bring up at a party or a family gathering.

Isn’t there a place where I can ask questions and give my thoughts about a topic that concerns everyone? Someplace safe where I’m with other people who have the same questions and are seeking answers just like me? Yes there is!

There’s something happening this Fall at Holy Trinity Parish that may be a help to you.

There will be a gathering of adults who want to talk about finding God in their life. These are not particularly “religious types”, just regular people who want to make some sense of their lives and see where God may be found. Let’s call them “searchers”.

Each Sunday at 12 noon we gather for one hour. Fr. Tim or Fr. John will speak on a particular topic for about 15 minutes. Topics like: Can we know God? Did God create us? Do I have a purpose in life? Who is Jesus Christ? What do Catholics believe?

It’s a lively discussion with no indoctrination. Our job is to share with you what the Catholic Church teaches and the solid reasons behind it. Over the Fall and Winter we will examine many of the spiritual gifts and teachings of the Church.

Over time, some discover a desire to join us in our community of Faith. This happens on Easter Sunday when members of the group are baptized or receive Holy Communion for the first time.

Would you like to join us? I promise you’ll meet some wonderful people who, like yourself, just want to make some sense of this life on earth. There will be no secret attempt to “get you to be Catholic”. But I’m confident you will be touched by what you learn.

So give it some thought. Talk it over with a friend or loved one (bring them along if you like!)

Mary Kramer is our Co-Ordinator for the “Searchers Group”. (Also called the RCIA   Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). Give her a call at (585) 943-0372 or email: OR – – JUST SHOW UP!!

We start Sunday, September 25 at 12 noon. Join us in church. We’ll guide you from there.

Hope to see you. God bless you always.

Fr. Tim Horan, Pastor, Holy Trinity Church

PS Please share this with someone you know who may be searching.
