Remembrance Prayers and Altar Candles

February 2 – February 8

John Bovenzi and Michael Clancy and those who mourn for them.

February 9 – February 15

Mark Nicholson, Connie Capuano, sister of Susan Gianforte, and Francis Mansfield, brother of Mary Smith and those who mourn for them.

February 16 – February 22

Gerald Mayeu, brother of Donald and Diane Mayeu; Connie Salamida and those who mourn for them.

March 2 – March 8

Dolores Beloris; Jim Hofmann, cousin of Joanne Mix and those who mourn for them.

March 2 – March 8

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn in loving memory of Deacon Leo Kester, req. by our Holy Trinity parish family.

Our Blessed Mothers Altar Candle will burn in loving memory of Millie Smith, req. by Pam & Denny & family.

St. Josephs Altar Candle in loving memory of Al Williams, req. by Tammy & Gary Nagel.

March 9 – March 15

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn in loving memory of Mark Nicholson, req. by the Broderick family.

Our Blessed Mothers Altar Candle will burn in loving memory of Barbara Ferguson, req. by Mary Kemp & family.

St. Josephs Altar Candle will burn for special intentions of Joe Leonardo, req. by Dave & Jean Wolf.

March 16 – March 22

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn in loving memory of Ed Szydlowski, req. by Sharon Gavens.

Our Blessed Mothers Altar Candle will burn in loving memory of Rick Prachel, req. by aunt, Sharon Gavens.

St. Josephs Altar Candle will burn for the special intentions of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Rochester, req. by Bill & Chrissy Freundschuh.

March 23 – March 29

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn in loving memory of Mark Nicholson, req. by Mary Ann & Frank Spinelli.

Our Blessed Mothers Altar Candle will burn for special intentions of Kathy & Kevin Ward, req. by Dave & Jean Wolf.

St. Josephs Altar Candle will burn in loving memory of Brett Bobak, req. by family.

If you would like a candle in memory of a loved one or for special intentions, please call the parish office.


A REMINDER: If you need a devotional candle lit immediately for a loved one, a special occasion, or special intentions, you are invited to light the small votives that are on the side altars of the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph. They will burn for about 4-5 hours.