Summer. How was yours?

Remember our teacher giving us our first writing assignment of the new school year? “Tell the rest of the class what you did over the summer.”

Soooooo . . . .

Starting in June

  • Celebrated the ordination mass of Matt Walter (he’s preached here) and Dan White. Two good men.
  • Spent two days in the hills outside Jamestown, NY playing golf with seven old college friends. 4 Canadians vs. 4 Americans. Had a blast.
  • Traveled to Ohio to visit sister Maureen and her husband, George. Watched about 4 movies (none of which I can remember.)
  • Red Wing Game at Frontier Field with our Holy Trinity group.


  • Marriage conversations with several couples be- ing married this summer and fall.
  • Summer Intensive Program with the children
  • Senior Ice Cream Social. 62 Seniors! They ate like carpenter ants!
  • Baptized Gemma. Daughter of dear friends Gina and Ben (whom I married).
  • Finished a few books. One on Einstein, another on Lincoln. (I think God is revealed in the brilliance and fortitude of some people.)
  • Golf . . . once a week. It’s pretty bad.


  • Back to Ohio to see BOTH sisters this time. Patty joined us from Florida.
  • My old college roommate and friend played in a two-day golf tournament. We were terrible. But lots of fun!
  • Interviewed a candidate for our choir director. Still looking.
  • Finally played golf well enough to win a “Senior” tournament. (That’s where the contest- ants are old and forgetful and need help putting the ball on the tee. I destroyed them.)
  • Planning Session for the new Parish Council. (We meet over the summer to lay plans for the focus and outreach activities here at Holy Trinity this year).
  • Buried two dear friends I’ve known over the years. (BTW. Guess how many funerals we’ve had at HT on my watch? So far….376).
  • Had a beautiful wedding at the Genesee Country Museum. (Horse drawn carriage for the couple).

So what lies ahead here at Holy Trinity? Lots. It’s a busy autumn.

  • HOPE House Garage Sale Sept. 11-14
  • Parish Picnic Sept. 15
  • Bishop Matano visits HT Sept. 22, for the 10:30 mass and blessing of the graves.
  • Parish Council, Liturgy Committee, Finance, Facilities, RCIA, Religious ED, CMA, all start up their year long activities.
  • AND . . . . The old gym gets renovated!! Wait till you see it!

So are you ready? We can’t do it without you!!

Let’s .

Fr. Tim

Scripture Readings for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (all)

First Reading: Wisdom 9:13-18b

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 90:3-4, 5-6, 12-14, 17
Second Reading: Philemon 1:9-10, 12-17
Gospel: Luke 14:25-33

Scripture Readings for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (all)

First Reading: Exodus 32:7-11, 13-14
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19
Second Reading: 1 Timothy 1:12-17
Gospel: Luke 15:1-32
