Young People Are Amazing . . . and Goofy.

The work of a parish priest gives the chance to observe people in many different life situations.

The elderly smile and shine with pride when their children and grandchildren are home visiting, the steely de- termination of parents as they sacrifice for their children, and nervous newly engaged couples approaching the church to plan their wedding. Also, a stay in the hospital tends to bring out anyone’s true colors. We priests see it all.

But the ones that touch me the most are our young children and teens. They’re so “out there”, so new and raw, so . . . wonderfully goofy. Let’s marvel for a moment at our young ones.

Doesn’t it kill you when . . .

  • They smile that kid’s smile. It’s radiant without their knowing it. The smile doesn’t have the slightest notion of what we know (that heartache isn’t too far down the road.) “Oh,” we say, “If only they could stay here.” So beautiful.
  • A young person shows off some talent or favorite activity getting friends or family to smile and applaud.
  • The girls break into singing the current youth “anthem” at a party or game. They’re so free in that happy way.
  • The boys power down unbelievable amounts of spaghetti and get hungry 20 minutes later.
  • The whole school turns out for a prayer service for one of their sick classmates.
  • They try putting on some idea of adult behavior just to see how it feels.
  • They collapse in tears and fall into your arms . . . and still want you near them.
  • After days of whining and selfishness they come out of themselves and do something amazingly thoughtful for someone. “Yay! It’s working!”, parents think for a moment.

And don’t you wish you could . . . . . you know . . . control their lives!

  • Spare them the hurt you know life eventually hands out?
  • Let them see what you see in them (how wonderful they are)?
  • Give them the confidence they need without them having to earn it through trial and error?
  • Choose their friends?
  • Spare them bad, impulsive choices?
  • Find the perfect job, boyfriend, girlfriend, roommate?
  • Get them to experience God’s Spirit working in their life?
  • Ensure their happiness and safety throughout their lives?

So the question for parents and grandparents is this:

Do you think God is any less in love with these children than you? He made them!! He loved them so much He gave each of them an irrepeatable personality, style, and soul. He loved them so much . . . God gave them YOU.

Jesus was serious when he said, “Watch the wild flowers grow . . . they neither spin nor worry . . . yet not even King Solomon is as beautiful as these. Won’t God be sure to watch over you?” Luke 12:27-28

BUT! “Seek FIRST my will in your life,” says the Lord. “And these other things will come to pass.”

What’s God’s part? He is the Good Shepherd leading us and our children. What’s our part? To hear his voice . . . and follow.

God is with you. Trust Him.

Fr. Tim

PS. High Schoolers.

Sleep in next Sunday. Come to the high school mass Sunday night at 7 pm. Food to follow and news about a big “Help Out” we’ve been asked to do. See you next Sunday night!

Scripture Readings for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Daniel 12:1-3
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 16:5, 8, 9-10, 11
Second Reading: Hebrews 10:11-14, 18
Gospel: Mark 13:24-32

Scripture Readings for Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe

First Reading: Daniel 7:13-14
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 93:1, 1-2, 5
Second Reading: Revelation 1:5-8
Gospel: John 18:33b-37
