Anointing Mass

Saturday, October 27 at 10:00 am

One of the most debilitating things about sickness is not the pain, or the fatigue, or the fear (each of these are, of course, part of the cross sickness brings). No. One of the biggest sufferings is how illness separates us from those around us, our families, friends and community at large.

It may mean being confined to home or quarantined from those closest to us. It may mean being unable to participate in everyday activities that bring us together with others. Perhaps most upsetting is the feeling of being “set apart”, different from others. (The thought, “I’m sick.” Everybody else is “ok”.)

Holy Trinity Church has scheduled a Eucharistic Celebration with the Anointing of the Sick. This is the chance to bring some of your health concerns to the Lord in the context of mass and this faith community.

You are not alone! The Lord and Holy Trinity hold you dear to our hearts in prayer. There will be special seating for those who wish to be anointed that morning.

WHO SHOULD BE ANOINTED? The guidelines for the sacrament say “any persistent and serious concern for one’s health …..”is reason for someone to request the anointing.” Health concerns such as depression, anxiety, addiction, spiritual doubt and chronic pain are all sufficient to receive the anointing. There will be no questions asked. Simply indicate your wish to be anointed.

Come by yourself or better . . . bring a friend. Experience the healing and comforting Hand of God working through the Sacrament of the Sick and the care of this parish.

God bless you.

Fr. Tim

Pet Blessing Results

Holy Trinity really went to the dogs last Sunday (about 30 of them!)
There were big ones and little ones and in between ones. Three cats showed up in their cages plus African Pygmy Hedgehog.

All (pets and people) were blessed and sprinkled with holy water. Fr. Tim got over his initial queasiness and was even seen petting one of them! Please enjoy the following photo’s which were supplied to Holy Trinity by Jackson Thomas.

Scripture Readings for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Wisdom 7:7-11
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 90:12-13, 14-17
Second Reading: Hebrews 4:12-13
Gospel: Mark 10:17-30

Scripture Readings for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Isaiah 53:10-11
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22
Second Reading: Hebrews 4:14-16
Gospel: Mark 10:35-45
