Jesus and My Mom

St. Paul tells us we are “Ambassadors of Christ. It is as if God were appealing through us.” 2 Cor. 5:20. On this Mother’s Day Weekend I’d like to give you an example of someone who was an Ambassador of Christ for me. My mom.

As always, the story is meant to get you thinking about your own life. Have you had an experience where some- one said or did something that caused you to know that God was working through this person? Here’s a time it happened to me.

I was in my third year of seminary studies (with two more to go) and I had gotten to the point of wondering if I’d made a mistake thinking I could do the things a priest must do. Studies were getting quite demanding and my formation board was pushing me to manifest a more “generous spirit in the community”. I was getting pretty grumpy.

On a short visit home, with dad taking a nap upstairs, my mother and I had a little visit in the living room . . . just the two of us. I asked how things were with dad and her alone in the house. How was she feeling? Then she asked about me; how seminary was going.

Most times I would put the best version forward (“Great Mom. Everything’s just fine.”). But this time was different. I told her how hard it had been and how I wondered if I could ever do all the things they expected of me. It all came pouring out . . . the long days, the difficult professors, the high expectations. “Mom, I just don’t know if I’m the guy they want. I don’t seem to fit the mold.”

Now you’d have to know my mother Rosemary to understand how unexpected was her response. You see my mother is not what you’d call the nurturing type. She was a brilliant conversationalist with a charming personality (Lauren Bacall would play her well). She preferred the company of adults to children. A martini and a good story was where my mother thrived.

So you can imagine my surprise when this elegant woman, with brow furrowed, said, “Well you might not be right for THEM . . . but JESUS wants you Tim. You’re going to make a fine priest.”

The words at the moment were touching. Mom doesn’t often talk like that. Here was a mother loving her son. I felt better. Cocktail hour followed immediately!

But the “God part” followed the next day as I drove back to Rochester. Somewhere along that boring drive I began to replay my visit and the conversation with mom was soon recalled.

I felt again the warmth of her words, her unquestioning confidence in me, and her faith that Christ would use her son to be a good priest if that was His will.

At this point . . . and I can’t explain how . . . my mother’s words, “you’re going to make a fine priest”, were heard as if Jesus were speaking them. It was my mother’s voice I was recalling but it was Christ who was speaking to me there in the car.

Jesus used my mother’s words to give me the confidence that God wanted me to continue. My heart was light and happy as I drove back to the seminary that day.

You are an Ambassador of Christ. God appealing through you. Be ready.

And bless you mothers . . . you gave us life. And then you show us Christ. You are wonderful.

Fr. Tim

Scripture Readings for the 7th Sunday of Easter

First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20
Second Reading: 1 John 4:11-16
Gospel: John 17:11b-19

Scripture Readings for Pentecost Sunday

First Reading: Genesis 11:1-9
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 104:1-2, 24, 27-30, 35
Second Reading: Romans 8:22:27
Gospel: John 7:37-39
