Now I see.

One of the things that happens as you begin your journey into “the Senior Years” is the perspective of “looking back”.

Think of it . . . most of your life has been spent looking forward to events that are yet to happen. What did you look forward to in your younger years?

  • Finding a girl/boyfriend. Falling in love.
  • Getting into the right school.
  • Finding a job.
  • Getting a promotion.
  • Marriage. Children.
  • Fun times with family and friends.

These are all part of the hopes and dreams we have through most of our lives. They are what makes life on earth a happiness. Sure there are setbacks along the way … failures, disappointments, tragic happenings … but most often we deal with them and we keep on hoping and dreaming. “Someday I’ll get there and then it will be happy ever after.”

We seniors need to recognize this wonderful impulse in young people. We need to support them and their dreams. God puts these hopes in us so we might shape the earth. Walk around our city, Rochester; see the dreams of men and women who have made this a better world.

But for some of us . . . we’ve had our time or at least we’re finishing things up. What now?

May I suggest it’s time for GRATITUDE. Webster defines it as “an appreciation of benefits received”. This appreciation happens when we “look back” on times of unexpected kindness, generosity received, truth spoken when needed most.

This “looking back” can open our eyes to things we were too busy to see at the time. (I think of the stinging correction I received from my parents in times of teenage moodiness. Oh how I rebelled against these old people who just didn’t understand my life!!).

Now I see. They were right. They saved me against my will. It’s taken years to recognize, but looking back . . . I’m grateful they cared enough to set me straight.

Life is full of these “blessings” if we just look for them. For example: did anyone teach you how to “finish the job”? To do it right? Thank that person.

Has anyone shown you what it means to be generous or forgiving or helpful? Has there been anyone who, for all your goofiness, never gave up on you? Someone who, when you felt like quitting, gave you the courage to go on? Did you thank them?

So what’s this got to do with Easter? Well now that I’m older (I didn’t say old!) I’m beginning to connect the dots. Each time, with darkness all around and the world saying “What’s the point? Just give up,” God would send some- one or some “coincidence” to show the way to life.

That was Christ and the Holy Spirit. Now I see.

That you may have the eyes to see.

Happy Easter still.
Fr. Tim

Scripture Readings for the Third Sunday of Easter

First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 3:13-15, 17-19
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 4:2, 7-8, 9
Second Reading: 1 John 2:1-5a
Gospel: Luke 24:35-48

Scripture Readings for the 4th Sunday of Easter

First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 4:8-12
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 29
Second Reading: 1 John 3:1-2
Gospel: John 10:11-18
