Sometimes You Gotta Jump.

Risen from the dead? What does this mean? First of all it’s a fact. Facts create an environment in which we live. One plus one is two. That means two plus two is four and suddenly we have a world so predictable that we can send someone to the moon and back.

Now the Resurrection is not that kind of fact. It’s a fact that can only be known by believing in the testimony brought forward to witness to it. (We do this all the time . . . believe what someone tells us. E.g. the picture on your digital TV comes to you because of a series of 0’s and 1’s; or Fr. John has a Grizzly bear paw print in his room . . . these are facts. Really!)

Now the testimony we have about the Resurrection comes to us from the Apostles. “We have seen the Lord! He is truly risen!!” I believe that what they say is true. It becomes for me a fact and I can base my life on it. I live now in a particular way.

But you might ask yourself, “How can I believe this miraculous happening to Jesus?” After all there are no guarantees. We can’t prove he is risen. We can’t see him walking around Webster! And besides . . . there’s so much trouble in the world, if Jesus were alive wouldn’t he take all that away?” In other words, it’s hard to believe in a Christ who doesn’t live up to my expectations!

I think we all have moments when our faith feels weak and Christ is silent or far away. Like the apostles returning to their fishing boats, we slink back to our former lives where “Jesus Risen” seems like a fairy tale, bigger even than the Santa story.

Sooner or later you have to decide to trust the news about Jesus. Surrender your “expectations”. There comes a point when you gotta jump! Life is a matter of trusting the person you love. Remember a time you “jumped”?

  • A young wedding couple can’t foresee all that life will bring to them but they trust that their love and respect for each other will see them through.
  • Having a baby is a huge moment of trust for a husband and wife. “Here we go!”
  • Putting yourself in the hands of a doctor requires you to surrender to her/his medical skill.
  • Flying to Boston puts you at the mercy of your pilot.
  • Facing the end of life requires that I surrender myself into the hands of God.

Sooner or later . . . you gotta trust somebody. Here’s some good reasons to trust in the Resurrection.

  • The teachings of Christ the man are compellingly true. Who can argue with, “It’s in giving that we receive”, etc.?
  • Jesus proved his love by not turning back. He died as a final witness to how serious he was about “drinking his cup of suffering to the last drop.” You’ve got to take someone’s word pretty seriously when they are willing to die for it.
  • The Apostles were not men of great courage or brilliance by nature, yet each became masters at teaching Christ’s good news and like their master, they paid the last price for their faith (martyrdom).
  • Tens of thousands (children included) have followed to this day to pay the ultimate price for their faith.
  • The flowers of Christianity are all around . . . hospitals, universities, scientific method, sublime music, modern art, orphanages and outreach to the poor all got their start within a Christian culture.
  • What else is there to entrust your life to? Kodak? Social Security? Your 401K? The Buffalo Bills?

Dear Friends,
You have been given Faith (“A certain knowledge of what has yet to be revealed.” Heb. 11:1). Thank God for such a gift and let’s get to work bringing Him to the world that will not know Him without your kindness. Take heart. He is with you.

Easter blessings,

Fr. Tim

Scripture Readings for the Second Sunday of Easter

First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 4:32-35
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24
Second Reading: 1 John 5:1-6
Gospel: John 20:19-31

Scripture Readings for the Third Sunday of Easter

First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 3:13-15, 17-19
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 4:2, 7-8, 9
Second Reading: 1 John 2:1-5a
Gospel: Luke 24:35-48
