Praying. A Simple Start-Up.

Ok get rid of all your pictures of “praying”. The bowed head, the folded hands, the gaze heaven ward . . . forget ’em. That’s for holy cards. Your prayer must be YOURS.

Below you will find some important things to “know about” prayer and then some hints about “how” to pray (what to do).

  1. Prayer. God starts it. Any thought like “Gee, I should pray for that”, OR “I need to go to God with this problem”, that’s God! He’s giving you a grace! (an invitation to pray).
  2. Which child gets the most attention from a parent? The one who struggles with things right? Don’t worry about your prayer looking pretty. Trust God to know what you mean. The Holy Spirit is working in you.
  3. Prayer is “wanting”. Wanting goodness, wanting peace, wanting happiness and then turning to God who is the source of all this.
  4. Quiet is really important to prayer. Get quiet. (I like to close my eyes).
  5. It takes a minute or two for the “noise of the world” to flow away (this too is prayer).
  6. Speak what you want to bring to God briefly and honestly.
  7. Having an “image” of God can help but is not necessary. God is in your brain seeing and hearing every- thing you are!
  8. Was my prayer a good one or a bad one? Bad question. Any prayer is a good prayer.

How to pray for three minutes each day.

  1. Make the Sign of The Cross. Take 30 seconds to be quiet (No words. Nothing.) Let the world settle around you. Trust that God is watching with you.
  2. Now say His name in your mind, “Lord”, or “Jesus”, “Holy Spirit” or “Dear God”. Let His name echo in you for another 30 seconds (say His name 2 or 3 times).
  3. Next tell God how things are. (One minute). Are you carrying a heavy burden? Worried about something? Has there been a blessing in your life to be thankful for? Speak these to God as you would to your best friend. Remember, tell God your feelings (“how you are”) not what you need (solutions).
  4. You’re there now . . . praying! One minute to go . . . after you’ve told God how it is for you, be quiet again. Relax and know God heard every word you just gave Him. The Lord will many times send a feeling of “peace” at this time. (30 seconds).
  5. Finish with a request for the day. Something like, “Help me today Lord, I need . . . “. Close with an Our Father and/or a Hail Mary.

This is just the start. God will teach you more each time you come to Him in prayer. We learn how to pray—by praying!!

Keep up your hope. God is working in you.

Fr. Tim

Scripture Readings for the 5th Sunday of Lent

First Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 51:3-4, 12-13, 14-15
Second Reading: Hebrews 5:7-9
Gospel: John 12:20-33
