When we read the Bible, we find the history of a nation called Israel. This is an amazing story where God was always helping the people of Israel through different characters, such as the patriarchs, kings, prophets, and so on. God talked to them and not to people of Israel directly. Why? Well, because at that time, all these people were not prepared to listen, see, and feel the real presence of God. For instance, Moses usually had a conversation with God on Mount Sinai. Even though God wanted to show Himself to the people of Israel so that they would have faith in Him, these people were always scared of the different signs such as thunder, clouds, lightning, and so on, that demonstrated the real presence of the Lord on Earth. The book of Exodus says: “On the morning of the third day there were peals of thunder and lightning, and a heavy cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast, so that all the people in the camp trembled. But Moses led the people out of the camp to meet God, and they stationed themselves at the foot of the mountain” (Exodus 19:16-17). Moses wanted Israel to know God, but it was not the right moment. God manifests Himself step by step. God’s pedagogy consisted of showing Himself according to human evolution. For example, you cannot teach difficult mathematical problems to a child. You need to teach them first to add and subtract. This is a process that takes time in the life of a per- son. It is the same thing with human beings. God teaches little by little; hence, God sent Jesus Christ to teach us His real message of Love and Hope to all mankind.
Jesus, the Son of God, was using the same methodology. He was always teaching the truth with clear words to His disciples; however, He did not do the same with the rest of the people; He used parables with them. Why? This was the same question that His disciples asked Him. Jesus answered with a simple phrase: “Because knowledge of the mysteries of the Kingdom of heaven has been granted to you, but to them it has not been granted” (Matthew 13:11). That means that like in Moses’ time, Israel’s people still were not prepared to know everything about the Good News that is the Gospel. However, Jesus also explained that He speaks in parables because Israel’s people “look but do not see but also do not listen or understand” (Matthew 13:13). Therefore, people need to be prepared in order to have a real meeting with God.
Today, we can better understand God’s message by the power of the Holy Spirit. You and I have the wonderful experience of listening to God’s voice through the readings in the Eucharist. We are also able to have a better comprehension of the Word of the Lord through priests’ explanations during the homily in the Eucharist. Moreover, we have the possibility to see God in His real presence in the bread and wine that the priest consecrates in the Eucharistic Sacrifice. I ask you, have you thought about this? Are you prepared to listen to God’s voice and see Him? Are you able to see and feel the presence of God in the Eucharist? If you answered, “Yes”, let me congratulate you. If your answer was “No”, probably you need to take time to think about the real meaning of the Eucharist. Anyway, we are more privileged than Israel’s people in Moses’ time.
Jesus loves us, and He wants the best for us. Listen to His voice! Receive His Body and Blood! Jesus is here! Do not miss Mass. Jesus is always waiting for us.
Remember, The parish that we dream is the parish that I help to build.
God bless you, and may the Blessed Virgin Mary be with you always!
Fr. Jorge Ramirez