Baptism Preparation



The Sacrament of Baptism is the first sacrament that a person celebrates, and the first of three sacraments referred to as the “Sacraments of Initiation.” Through baptism, a person begins a new life with Christ, becoming a child of God and a Christian. It is the first step in a life in which one strives to become more and more like Christ. Baptism symbolizes and brings about a union with Christ’s death and resurrection. Baptism also creates a bond of unity that links all those who have been baptized.

Infant Baptism

Baptisms are regularly scheduled at 12:00pm on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. These times may be altered to accommodate changes to the parish schedule. Families also have the option of celebrating during certain Sunday Mass times. 

A required Baptism Preparation session is held for parents to better understand the sacrament and review the parental responsibilities to be undertaken.

To enroll in Baptism Preparation or to schedule a Baptism for your child, please contact our Faith Formation Office at (585) 265-4750.

Youth Baptism

Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC) at Holy Trinity

Adult Baptism

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) at Holy Trinity

Baptismal Certificates

To request a baptismal certificate, or other sacramental records, please complete our online form. If you are unable to do so, you may contact the parish office at (585) 265-1616 for further assistance.